Silawatsi's Mercy rework

Hey look, let’s yet another Mercy rework suggestion!

This one uses the Mercy rework currently on the EXP card as a base.


  • Moved to ability 2
  • Adds +15hps to Mercy’s healing, and cleanses her beam target of negative effects
  • Doesn’t add chain beams or speed boosts
  • 3 second duration, 12 second cooldown

For context, “negative effects” is basically “CC that Orisa’s fortify ability can block.”


  • Moved to ultimate ability
  • Can resurrect up to 5 teammates (but Mercy still needs Los on them)
  • Range increased to ten meters
  • Cast time reduced to 1 second (from 1.75)
  • Sucessfully completing a cast will heal living teammates for 200hp

This version is still supposed to primarily used for tempo rezzing, but less… Suicide-y than the current EXP version.

The extra heal is to make the ult less situational, and further encourage players to use it for midfight tempo rezzes.

Bonus round! Beam buffs!

Healing beam:

  • Base healing is increased to 60 (from 55)

Damage Boost gets new tech:

  • Mercy can see the health bars of enemies who have taken damage from her boost.
  • Damage boosting a teammate will also buff any of their projectiles that land while Mercy’s beam is attached to them.

E.g. did your Rein just use firestrike? Quick, use damage boost on him to buff the firestrike when it hits!

Without e-rez devouring Mercy’s power budget, she can finally have 60hps again and return to being a staple “Main Healer.”

The new Damage Boost tech is a “carrot instead of stick” approach to reduce pocketing. Tracking allied projectiles and juggling Mercy’s damage boost across multiple teammates becomes more rewarding - doing it really well results in higher overall damage output, faster ult charge and better intel on the enemy team.


It is not as good as my Desert Eagle idea, but I would accept it.

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Definitely worth testing. And would love to play far more than the current live version.

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Honestly this rework is bad.

I thought I’m never gonna say this but Mercy on live is more enjoyable that the experimental one.

Resurrect (as ultimate) shouldn’t bring back whole team. I would rather have res for 1 teammate but make it instant.

This encourages hide & res playstyle.

That’s how it used to work which gives the skill to the Mercy player to properly time things.

I find that boring tbqh. like it’s basically just a 75hps heal most of the time which we can see in current expC which is very lackluster.

like the cc cleanse bit is highly situational and the 75hps for 3s bit itself isn’t good burst sustain. like contrast this to say moira’s 135hps (orb + primary) which is also aoe, ana’s 100hp instant aoe heal + 175hps for 4s, bap’s 92hps with directs (heal nade + regen burst).

like if you want it to be a beam with bursty sustain, then actually put burst sustain numbers/mechanics on it. if it’s just for a cc cleanse ability, then it’d be too situational and you need to actually make that secondary to something else that’s actually more useful generally (75hp/s for 3s isn’t really all that useful is what I’m getting at here).

this is why I like paladins rei envolope idea:

How? It has cast time (it doesn’t need it) and LOS

Could you please explain why you think this will promote a hide n rez playstyle?

Because I’m just not seeing it. This rework has a relatively small range, and can’t be used to rez through walls.

You’d have to actually fly out onto the battlefield to use it… and while a one-second cast time is manageable with the help of battlefield chaos and allies diverting the enemy’s attention, going for a 5-man rez means making painting a bullseye on your back and making yourself the the target of the ENTIRE enemy team.

If they somehow don’t cc or kill you while you’re casting, they’ll finish you off before your allies are done reviving.

After that, your team is back to square one: forced to take a fight while crippled by the loss of their healer, only this time there is no hiding mercy to rez them when they get rolled again.

I can’t believe I have to say this… but if you want to win a match, actually trying to win the teamfights is a lot more effective than throwing them just to get a pretty mass rez and hoping your team can win the next fight without you.

This rework turns Mercy into a solid main healer who provides the team with great sustain, damage buffs and even protection against cc. Why on earth would you want to throw that away?


I have played this ExC for 9 hours and I have not seen one hide and rez. What game are you playing?


This hapenned alot when mass rez was on live game.

I want hard LoS requirements as in completely LoS while casting, none of the current start rezing someone on a highground and slowly glide downwards out of LoS. Things like enemy barriers between her and her Rez targets should also count as breaking LoS/blocking (like how you can block off Sound Barrier from reaching targets and Transc healing as well) to add more counterplay to heroes who can’t kill her fast enough.

Oh, that was my 9k post.

Are you speaking from personal experience, or stories you’ve heard?

I was there, I mained Mercy, and one of the first things you learn as a Mercy player is that trying to get a five-man rez is like panning for gold in a sewer.

The Mercy phrase “Die on point, I have rez” was usually short for “please stop scattering to the four winds and dying 464,890 miles apart from each other. And fight on the dang objective! I have your comfort blankie rez in case things go wrong, quit being a scardey-cat and get in there!”

Even if you tried to force a 5 man rez by hiding and waiting for your team to die, it was more likely that their deaths would be staggered - by the time teammate #5 goes down, teammates #1, 2 and 3 have long since finished respawning… Meaning you’ve wasted all that time and threw a teamfight for nothing. It was way more reliable to just get in there and heal.

If the stars aligned and you did get the opportunity for a five man rez, you had a new problem: it was suicide. Most of Mercy 1.0’s time in the game didn’t get any sort of post-rez protection, so the enemy team usually killed mercy in retaliation when she pulled off a big rez.

And if the enemy still had any ults left after you did a big rez… Well, you just fed them hard. Most AoE ults are easy to set up while the other team is stuck in the revive animation, and can easily be timed to go off as soon as it finishes.

I’ve had plenty of my 3+ man rezzes back in the day get rewiped by high noon, dvabombs, riptires, etc.

Long story short, deliberately hiding to try and get a mass rezz with Mercy 1.0 was almost always way too risky to be worth it, since it usually just resulted in flat-out throwing the match.

Playing Mercy 1.0 as an actual support who zooms around healing her team always gave better results than hiding.

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Apologies…you name the rework ‘Silawatsi’s Mercy rework’ yet have a private profile and don’t in your OP suggest why we should listen to you…

Are you someone worth listening to? Are you a Mercy main or content creator or just putting your name at the front of the title like it matters from some random user?

Please explain… :thinking: :upside_down_face:

People just used to do it, whether it worked or not, they used to camp and stopped healing to get their rez done. And if they even managed to do their 5 man rez still it wouldn’t help them win the fight, they just resetted it earlier

Yet many used to do it, the design of it was flawed, it encouraged you to do it the wrong way, and even doing it successfully wouldn’t add to the fight. It’s different from Cassidy’s ult, yes it can encourage you to hide and wait, but if successfully done it gives you a huge advantage in the fight.
Edit: also forces you to have a Mercy if the enemy can rez multiple people at once.
A hero’s kit shouldn’t be able to hard counter itself. That’s the problem with ML7’s Zenyatta change, because Zen can now hard counter himself.

No. The only way the fundamentally terribly - designed, low skill - high reward Mass Rez ULT can exist in this game is with its current limitations.

Even in the OG days the cries of ‘hide and rezz’ were greatly exaggerated imo.

Having said that I def don’t support reimplementing mass rez into the current game.