Hey look, let’s yet another Mercy rework suggestion!
This one uses the Mercy rework currently on the EXP card as a base.
- Moved to ability 2
- Adds +15hps to Mercy’s healing, and cleanses her beam target of negative effects
- Doesn’t add chain beams or speed boosts
- 3 second duration, 12 second cooldown
For context, “negative effects” is basically “CC that Orisa’s fortify ability can block.”
- Moved to ultimate ability
- Can resurrect up to 5 teammates (but Mercy still needs Los on them)
- Range increased to ten meters
- Cast time reduced to 1 second (from 1.75)
- Sucessfully completing a cast will heal living teammates for 200hp
This version is still supposed to primarily used for tempo rezzing, but less… Suicide-y than the current EXP version.
The extra heal is to make the ult less situational, and further encourage players to use it for midfight tempo rezzes.
Bonus round! Beam buffs!
Healing beam:
- Base healing is increased to 60 (from 55)
Damage Boost gets new tech:
- Mercy can see the health bars of enemies who have taken damage from her boost.
- Damage boosting a teammate will also buff any of their projectiles that land while Mercy’s beam is attached to them.
E.g. did your Rein just use firestrike? Quick, use damage boost on him to buff the firestrike when it hits!
Without e-rez devouring Mercy’s power budget, she can finally have 60hps again and return to being a staple “Main Healer.”
The new Damage Boost tech is a “carrot instead of stick” approach to reduce pocketing. Tracking allied projectiles and juggling Mercy’s damage boost across multiple teammates becomes more rewarding - doing it really well results in higher overall damage output, faster ult charge and better intel on the enemy team.