Sigma Mechanics and gameplay feeling

What do you mean by a “main tank”?

People use these terms a lot but with only one out of 8 tanks being considered “main” what does that even mean any more?

I strongly agree with that. He cant do nothing agains other tanks just give up space.
Do you think Kinetic Grasp should eat beams? or would my idea of ​​the skill in R be better?

Sigma is great against dps but not tanks.

Trust me his barrier being able to throw it across the map is such a problem

Just consider him an offtank and go Rein.

That’s the problem with Tank balance right now.
It’s all about Dive or Reinhardt pairings.

And dive is way risky and hard too coordinate for casual players.

Sigma is an off tank that has a barrier, wouldn’t it be obvious that 2 barriers would be unfun to play against (spamming it all games because they always come back)

Also they just nerfed Orisa so much, she used to be a front line tank that competed with Rein, but now she’s so hard to play and get value that she’s another candidate to pair with Rein. Great.

I think they should make him even weaker at close range, but make his barrier stronger.

✅ Buff Barriers, counter at close range

He’s the tank with the biggest ability to push into an enemy team, block damage, and deal mostly unblockable damage himself. He can’t be booped very well, he has a decent amount of health on top of the highest barrier health in the game, is the only reliable counter to his own ultimate because his barrier deploys fast unlike Orisa, Winston, and Sigma.

The issue is that they had the brilliant idea of making him and Winston the only main tanks whose damage ignores the barriers they themselves use. Reinhardt only has barrier to defend himself, but a fight between two Reinhardt’s is more about positioning, gaining ult charge with Fire Strike, getting cheeky pins, and knowing when the enemy Reinhardt has Earthshatter to block it.

Orisa and Sigma don’t have the capability to ignore enemy barriers, which means they are stuck playing shield break themselves. And unlike Reinhardt, who has only offensive tools besides his barrier, Orisa and Sigma were given defensive abilities instead. This offsets and limits their ability to push and hold space, as offensive presence is needed for that.

Wrecking Ball and Winston both follow the same rules that Reinhardt does. A single defensive ability that helps their specific playstyle, and offensive/mobility tools to make space with. Orisa and Sigma have two ways to block damage each, and so their barriers ended up gimped. And that’s why they synergized so well, too.


Off-tanks provide some utility for the team. They can block some damage, but for the most part they provide some kind of utility.

Main tanks have more staying power. Barriers that (should) have more HP than Winston’s. This puts them in a threatening position to the enemy team. With Orisa shield only 100+ more than old Brig shield, but 3-4x larger… well, no contest.

For as long as tanks have some form of barrier utility (excluding Zarya), they need to be useful. Useless barriers push tanks like Orisa and Sigma into the off tank category.

This creates another unhealthy meta. Rein is already required. Sigma being the perfect off-tank, double barrier comp pair he would also be required. For no other reason to stop the enemy Rein shatter.

We need to solve the issue where Rein is required to be the only main tank.

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well then if he’s meant to off-tank then he truly just sucks all around.
he can’t front line bc people can just rush him, and he can’t off-tank because he has little to no ways to confirm kills
he’s just…there.

Sigma just needs an ability to more quickly place/move his barrier. Maybe add an extra button to “slide” his barrier?

Sigma’s not a brawler. He’s a spam tank like Orisa. You need to use map positioning and try to distance to get the most value out of him. Aim to keep high ground and fire down chokes instead of pressing into enemies. You can use ult to fight against a team that gets in on you, but if you don’t have it at that point, then you’ve pretty much lost and need to get out. Just like if Rein’s shield breaks before he makes it to the enemy team.

This needs to be fixed, not only sigma but tanks in general… there are so many tanks now but if u roll anything else besides zarya + rein you just put yourself and the team on a disadvantage.

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Removing a 1 sec CD if you really think that would make him a must pick then he is literally borderline meta with nothing unchanged.
That being said in his current state he should need no changes then

Interesting, then, that the barrier health nerfs were what put him out of the meta…

I love Sigma, but I agree. He’s weak right now. I still play him though. He’s too fun to pass up.


I’d rather have a personal barrier (400 or 500 HP), but with no cooldown, just the old delay back, for a more responsive / reactionary usage.

He got 4 significant nerfs at once actually.
Removed the 200 dmg combo, CD on shield, nerfed shield, ult no longer set and forget.

That’s what pushed him out, the combo of everything

they just need some make gentic grasp that when u eat all gain to ur shield insted of ur self shield. its kind useless how it workin now.

I think you should try Orisa. A true abomination of what’s left after the nerfs.

The problem with your definition of a main tank is you’ve centred it so closely around Rein it’s inevitable that only rein will fit in that category. The only way another hero is going to fit into that definition of main tank is by being so similar to Rein they’re redundantly similar or they’re just OP.

For example you can’t just give Orisa as barrier so close to as good as Rein’s barrier while Orisa is still so much tougher than Rein (with Fortify and armour, Orisa can survive 1165 damage). That would be OP. But if you then nerf fortify then Orisa fills a too similar niche. There needs to be differences between heroes.

It has to MEAN something to pick Rein over Orisa or Orisa over Rein.

Orisa is a trade-off relative to rein, she trades max-barrier-HP for a more efficient barrier cooldown (her next barrier is effectively regenerating on a 10 sec cooldown even while a barrier is up) and she is much tougher.

If you want Rein. Pick Rein.

If your rein is getting fragged too often from damage coming from multiple directions and will sacrifice having such a great barrier just so the tank can stay alive to put down any barrier at all then pick Orisa.

And Orisa’s barrier isn’t just weaker, it’s different.

Rein needs to lower his barrier for

Brig’s old barrier was ridiculous though.

In objective terms Orisa’s 600HP barrier is enough get a certain move done, it’s just not too much (like 900HP) where it could be kept up perpetually unless there was a really massive push.