You are getting banned for playing off-meta (ask Sym mains), and you are getting banned for feeding.
That’s like, not my problem. It is bound to happen. As you said, there will always be a meta. At equal balance, some heroes will be meta, some won’t, but all will have their niche in which they’ll be viable.
What you want is artficially engineered metas, which is what we’ve had since Dive ended, and has been copiously complained about.
Clearly we have difference in opinion, so i will leave it at that. However I say this, I would take any of “engineered meta” which at least keep changing over playing dive for 2 years.
Spoiler alert though, when Dive is meta, there is a 60% chance you’re not playing Dive. And that’s in GM, it goes up to 90% in Bronze.
Dive was the time when the cast viability was at its best.
Lmao this is joke right? During dive, 14 heroes had less than 1% pickrate in GM. Go figure that number in all other metas. Dive was the most oppressive meta. The reason you hear so much crying these days is because those 14 hero mains quit the game and all that was left was dive lovers who abused broken heroes and climbed. They all just miss their golden days of otping dva/tracer for free elo.
Based on this, lets nerf our meta tank, not just D trash level, no, they had a meta, now they should get a 600% ult nerf and get all abilities deleted.
Why u ask? They where meta already, let others shine too.
Stupidest reason i’ve ever heard on these forums
The i don’t like the hero is a much better reason to trash heroes.
We gotta nerf winston now, bc he was meta in 2016
Orisa shouldn’t even have a shield, based on this. You know she was/is meta. Lets trash her completely.
For all these whiny people that hate dva, sure have your other tanks. Blizzard gutted the most popular heroes (dva, genji and mercy) so y’all can keep your high queue times to yourself. Most of us are waiting for OW2 with DVA in P v E. Most tank players have quit including me (I still play DVA in HOTS).
And yes DVA is a necessary evil against the high damage dps (i.e. hanzo and widow). Having her not viable…well good luck getting killed over and over again. has been trash for 7 month and Orisa has been god tier for as long. Do we need to wait one more year before we make Orisa trash tier and buff to godhood.
Funny, because in double shield, Ball was viable, but not meta. Same as Hog, Rein, etc. Being viable is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than being META. If she were off-meta, her pickrate would be comparable to those heroes I just mentioned, not the BOTTOM PICKS.
And try playing in comp without feeling like other tanks contribute a lot more.
@Topic: Both heroes have their strenghts and weakness, but most of Sigma’s kit overlap with D.vas. Overall, I’d say Sigma is still better at the role. His barrier function as a DM, without the need to put himself in danger, as opossed to, and also it can last as long as it has health.
They need to stop giving new heroes everything. They need to have more limits. The only thing Sigma doesn’t have is mobility but neither do most of the tanks. He has two abilities to block damage, great sheild mobility, can shoot while shielding, can stun people, can deal burst damage, has decent range, can gain sheilds, and has a good team wiling ult.
The only similarity is that it eats things. It’s more like the tank version of deflect. It’s 100x worse than DM. Not that I’m trying to say D.Va is in a good spot because she isn’t.
The Truth? There aren’t enough “DM-tanks” for Dva to be “viable but not the best”. It’s not like hitscans where Widowmaker is the best, Mccree is viable, Ashe is fun, and Soldier is trash.
There are 2, Dva and Sigma. And Sigma is significantly more frustrating to play against because he makes double shield possible.
So either Dva is better than Sigma or we’re doomed to more double shield for the next 6 months.
This wouldn’t change much for D.Va. Her biggest problem is how utterly defenseless she is. She’s slow while attacking, puts herself into harm’s way to try to peel, and generally has to save DM for protecting her team. I don’t think her biggest issues are the Tracers of the world, but how easy it is for any sniper, or high DPS like McCree, Roadhog, Reaper, etc., so just unload shot after shot into the mech’s enormous critbox with virtually no fear of reprisal.
D.Va needs a complete rework. Sigma’s better at protecting his team and doing damage, and the rodent is better at disrupting enemies and doing damage. Even playing her smart, she just has no survivability if she’s at all to get in the enemy’s way. She can’t dive effectively after all the nerfs, because even firing up missiles and using DM to rocket at a Widow or Hanzo, they can easily avoid her and then halve the mech’s health before it even gets to them.
D.Va is really suffering from other heroes stealing away everything that made her special and doing it better. She needs a complete overhaul with an eye toward a strong niche. The problem is that the devs have shown zero ability to do such a thing and would almost certainly make her worse.
I have to agree with Kusanagi1, but only with this statement, and not with the rest of his comment.
DM is really not that hard to use. It’s a pretty generous ability. To be honest, Dva’s entire kit isn’t hard to use imo.
With that being said, Dva does need help to become more viable, but I don’t think it’s her DM that needs to be adjusted (, but this is just my own opinion).
Easy to use. You press the button and you get full value.
It has a very low skill floor/ceiling. It is merely a mechanical habit to get, much like Zarya’s personal shield.
D.Va’s kit and DM have some of the highest skill ceilings in the game in what they do. Well, when they’re viable. Right now the ceiling is more of a “top of the cardboard box.”
They only seem easy to people who don’t use her.
Why can’t we instead strive for a system where all tanks are viable. Why does it always have to be just one or two with tanks. Every time even one tank gets slightly good in this game, they nerf all of them into the ground and then when one barely rises above the others everyone is supposed to be grateful they have one to choice.