10.07 elimination/life after 50+ games (10h)
1,045 final blows out of 2,095 elimination
33.46 eliminations per 10 min on average
12,640 damage per 10 min on average
29,866 hero damage dealt in one game
These are my current stats on ptr.
Is this allowed?
link to prove: imgur,com/a/ojRhLSa (change “,” to “.” cause i cant post links)
EDIT: I just uploaded my last game of playing Sigma for everyone, who to see me playing him.
nothin impressiv just a normal game. still 50+ elims and only 5 death.
it’s ptr where you gets all sorts of weird matchmaking so it’s hard to determine the accuracy of the situation.
that and not many players know how to play him or play against him yet either.
yeah thats true. you also learn a hero faster than you learn how to play against him. But still even if my stats woulb be as half as good. Still would be insane good
yeah i’m honestly a bit surprised at these numbers.
what did you do to set yourself apart from others? the ones i’ve been playing with seemed like they struggled a lot.
especially hitting shots or his rock or when to use his kinetic grasp or how to manipulate the shield in a good way.
Yeah he really looks strong in right hands.
His dps is huge, his ult is pretty strong, leftclick+E = 200 damage
But his barrier is the key. He can just dance around it blow you up, he can block sightlines, he can use it to advance. Wow he’s good
Really? I wasn’t expecting bait at all when I clicked the thread
Didn’t realize how it could be taken that way til I saw the comments lol
As for the stats, 12.6k damage/10min… 33 elims/10min… these are impressive his kit is definitely strong on paper but even with that picture in front of me I find it hard to believe that a Sigma player could manage these stats as averages
One good game? Sure, but every 10min seems unnaturally high
I could just upload my last game. Then you can see for yourself. Was actually a tough game. Played him in the main tank role in that game (with a zarya/dva), but I’d rather play him with a main tank and just play super aggressive
I think his stats are skewed because PTR but… his raw number are incredibly high either way, he can kill squishies in 2 shots, that’s pretty crazy for a tank
yeah. against hog + orisa or orisa in generall specially on attack through a choke is super hard. against rein its pretty easy. if you flank so you can shot behind the enemy shield. you can do so much more damage, charge your ult get a pick. but you cant flank if you re the main tank.