Sigmas in a pretty meh place
I feel like he’s pretty lacklustre Rn but I don’t think he should be buffed through the wazu
I’d like accretion to be a little bit more impactful either to help him win duels or offer more AoE it offers more value than ,His primary fire and the niche of shutting down flankers or some ults.
They could also slightly buff his sucky suck but I think he and orisa will together have to much sustain combined.
Anyway here are my slight buff ideas one is a duelist change the other is AoE focused
- direct damage increased from 30 to 70
- Splash damage reduced from 40 to 20
(total damage 90)
- splash damage increased from 40 to 60
- Direct damage reduced from 30 to 10
(Total dmg 70)
- buff shield regen from 80 to 100 p/sec
- regen now starts after a 1 sec delay (down from 2)
He is in a good place.
His succ works out of his a$$ literally, unless u are perfectly behind him, and even then it seems to succ. He was opressive in ladder before his nerfs, buffing him makes him again the best offtank.
His rock can disrupt enemy Ultimates, good CC with followup kills a squishy target. No reload issues, damage of his M1 is AOE, and goes even above shields, or in rooms.
Bloated kit, very good Ultimate, gains tons of shields if used right, can eat Ultimates, i dont see why he should be buffed to his old opressivity back.
Good Sigmas are always the last enemy to kill because they are raid bosses, and hard to pressure, its mostly the other way around.
Yea I agree his suck needs to be tuned down (hitbox) slightly like they did with genji deflect
Same can be said about sombra hack but it’s not projectile so u can’t really miss (plus u go infinite invis so don’t go on about how it can be canceled cause it shouldn’t if u play right)
So yea he does have some strong aspects yea but rock just kinda feals subpar even compared to primary fire .
I wouldn’t mind they buffed to feel impactful but increased its CD slightly like to 11/12
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He absolutely does not. He needs a rework.
Without a rework, we’ll always be on the edge of making Double Shield meta return
He doesn’t need a rework it’s just the fact we got f all tanks my man
If they add just a single tank thhat offers a new niche or play style there’ll be so many more team comps
Idk why they keep adding dps (speaking even as a dps main)
Honestly Sigma doesn’t need damage buffs. He’s already one of the most consistent tanks for DPS output, he doesn’t need more as such.
What Sigma needs is the shield delay to go. Allow him to re-place it with ease. Aaaaand probably a mobility buff during his ult, IE 2x speed. Parts of his kit feel too clunky when compared to how smooth transitions between grasp, rock and his primary fire are.
The first buff is actually a nerf to his dps but sure
N f spam shield bullll that shiz gives me bipolar
Yeah, the Tank roster suffers alot even though there is 1 more Tank than there is Support ![:woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:](
Sigma does need a rework though. He’s an Offtank with a Shield. Itll just never work the way they intended
The problem was the same as Hog or Genji = Overbuffed. Or in sigmas case, overbuffed at release. He had the kit of a strong offtank, but with the shield of maintank.
Sigma has seen gameplay without Orisa. Same with Hog, same with Genji, same with Ashe, they dont need Mercys, Anas, or other heroes to be enabled, they were broken and needed nerfs. He got used without Orisa because he was broken and did to much to good. Also destroyed every dva, he still does but not as good as before.
If they buff Sigma, they need to nerf other parts of him. Buff damage? Nerf shield and shieldgain. Buff Shields and succ? Nerf damage and make him reload or something. He had to much for him going on for 2 weak parts. His hitbox and no mobility, but this goes for most tanks anyway.
I think he is decent, i see him in some high ladder matches where poke is better then dive. And boi, if he pokes, there is no stopping because he wont stop even if u hide!!!
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He should get the shield regen nerfs reverted
It takes way too long for his shield to gain health when it’s literally tissue paper
Personally I think what he needs most is a buff to his shield but in a way that will not make him a normal shield tank but rather an anti off anglers.
While increasing his from 700 to 900 or at least 800 might be enough, a better option might just be releasing the shield and the further it goes the more hp it will get but also the more size it will have, for maximum of 1,500. but the close Sigma is to the shield the less max hp it will have.
That way he will be better for off angles less for protection from anything while also using his other abilities for maximum defense.
Yea feels like they’re kinda the same as brig is a throw pick Rn lol
Well his shield is in a good spot Rn tbh and his sustain and dmg is in a good spot and his ult is in a good spot it’s just that his rock feels not impactful except in niche situation
Like I said I wouldn’t mind if they increased its CD to compensate for some impactfulness as u basically hold onto it anyway as primary fire does more dps u mainly use it for the stun
Tho I would like a slight shield regen buff
If they don’t look at accretion
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I agree with the ult part definitely.
His ult is incredibly good to begin with, but the window that enemies have to shut it down is astronomically long.
And with sombra gaining traction pickrate wise, it’s disgustingly easy to stop.
I don’t think he needs damage buffs persay. I’m not gonna lie though, I realllllly miss the longer CC from long distance rocks. Made the risk of using it against Pharah etc worth it ![:frowning: :frowning:](
That’s kinda true
About his ult
Since u play sigma how do u feel the power level of accretion and his ult are Rn and what rank are u bro
I don’t really play comp anymore tbh, I feel like I’ve got a lot better at tanks in the meantime, but I almost made it into plat at one point. So I’m still a pleb hahaha. Most of my friends have stopped playing and I just don’t have the drive to grind through solo queue comp. It’s too frustrating.
I think the power level of his ult is really good, I just think it should be the tiniest bit harder to shut down. I’d even take a damage nerf to it if it meant the animation was faster etc.
I think accretion is in a good place for the most part, and that it was a positive change for the game to take away his kill combo with it by nerfing the damage. He didn’t need it when you take his base damage output and crazy survivability into account. It’s more just a preferential thing with me missing the longer CC on it, it was just fun to get whacky long distance enviro kills with it hahaha.
As long as you don’t touch his damage and barrier (the part that it is very fast and versatile) I’m ok with anything you want to do with him
You can’t really touch his damage because against dps it’s pretty good maybe? I mean, with good aim you can deal tons of damage (and this doesn’t mean that you can always confirm the kill) but against tanks I feel it’s pretty slow but meh.
And his barrier is what people forgets that is the most important part of his kit, yeah you got rock and grasp, but your barrier it’s the most decisive part of the fight, your rock it’s ok but you gotta remember that it has a long cast and grasp it’s kinda the same as barrier but it is in a 12 seconds cooldown. With your barrier you block enemy shatter, phara ults (at least before nerf was viable, now it disappears instantly), you block hogs hook, you can save teammate’s getting hooked (it’s hard but you can do it putting your shield between hog and your and mate), you can cut line of sight of enemy healers, block mcree ult (well maximum 4 if he charges all 6 targets and they have 200hp) and so long, and I think it’s pretty fun and challenging have you barrier up, I really don’t mind if you want to him have to reload as long as you make him fire faster I guess.
But that’s its, I like to feel like it’s a challenge when he gets nerf, but don’t go too crazy, the fact that he was meta doesn’t mean that now “he deserves to be bad”, if thats the case, then rein/zarya should be ban from the ladder at least 3 seasons
I feel like if he had to reload it’d be too much going on in his kit then he’d have to get the buff orisa got whereas she can reload whilst placing barriers (which might make him feel oppressive with increased fire rate)
If you want increased fire rate you could either tone down his splash but keep his damage the same or lower his damage but keep his splash the same
I think he should either get small buff to rock
A small buff to shield regen
Then they should look at how generous his grasp hitbox is and reduce it (not really where he is facing but moreso hitting him from the sides and back) but reduce its CD back to 10/11
i wish they reverted accretion so it had more stun from longer ranges. i thought it was a cool mechanic and encouraged players to try and hit trickshots with it. but now that they removed that its just a spam move you use when people are too close and you cant land hits. I also think the nerfs to his shield were too much honestly. Like you cant really protect your team with it anymore cuz its health is so low so you just have to put it up and then pull it back every 3 seconds so it doesnt get destroyed and you have to wait for it to recharge. i also kinda think the 1 second cooldown for the shield being put up is annoying. i get that people sometimes panic and it leads to them pulling the shield back on accident and all that but a lot can happen in 1 second. I’ve lost countless games because of that cooldown preventing me from making saves. Why cant it be half a second? I also think that it would be nice if he could use his kinetic grasp during the ult to reward players who are smart and save it for the ult.
I doubt that’d happen as they’ve nerfed stuns repeatedly for the past 1 1/2 years
N lowest I’d accept is like .8 as you should have consequences for placing a bad shield it’s that simple
I wouldn’t want shield hp to increase unless it’s something really small (I’m talking 750 max)
The regen is the worst part tbh 80 is too low 100 min would be good as u basically got to wait 10 secs for it to fully regen
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He does deserve a small buff. I dont think an Accretion buff is what he needs though.
I would prefer a buff to shield regen, like regen starting after 1s instead of 2 (he isnt Rein so why does his shield need to follow the same rule?), or a buff to Grasp with either reduced CD or some temp shields gained also at the start of use no matter what.