Sick and tired of this automated report system

Have you even read the ingame rules?

It specifically states that such behaviour is NOT banable.

But the entire ban/suspension system is automated based on number of reports anyway, so the rules and guidelines are irrelevant. People make up their own rules and mass report for auto bans.

Oh and ban appeals are auto-rejected as well, so there’s no point in having an appeal system either.

What a joke.


As Xuvial pointed out

Your personal feelings on this issue don’t trump actual rules.
The automated system doesn’t care what you are reported for though so it doesn’t matter.

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People aren’t reporting you because you’re playing an off-meta hero. They’re reporting you because you aren’t contributing to the team, which is throwing - intentional or not. You’ll notice that people aren’t reporting your off-meta pick if you are contributing to the team. Most Symmetra and Torbjorn players in matchmaking get reported because they don’t do anything that assists the team. Like I said, I have a Doomfist account that’s been playing nothing but Doomfist for 2 seasons straight, haven’t been banned or silenced once. He isn’t meta.

Are you telling me that a Torbjorn player on KOTH placing his turret out in the open without a shield and dying for an entire game should not be banned? The same happens to any DPS player that people constantly blame for losing. Oh, hey, you didn’t get any eliminations - reported for throwing. Same applies here.

I only really get notices of bans when people I’ve reported said something they shouldn’t have and I reported them. Otherwise nada, make sure you don’t give them any ammo by what you say.

Did you not even read it?

Completely shuts down your entire statement…
A torb player not doing well falls under playing poorly etc

As long as a person is actively trying and going for objectives etc, they are doing nothing wrong (CONFIRMED by Papa Jeff) regardless of hero and regardless of how well they are doing.
The problem is trying to tell the difference between someone who is just bad and someone who is not trying/throwing.

If certain heroes cause so much issues within the community then they should be disabled from comp till they are fully re-worked. Its STUPID design to have niche heroes if people are KNOWINGLY going to abuse a system in place to deal with toxic behaviour to get try to force a particular way of playing.


Throwing is intentional.

Poor performance is not reportable. If that Torb player only sets up his turrents in exposed areas, the ranking system will sort it out and eventually put him with players who can’t deal with unprotected turrents.


They probably have a whitelist system for [edit: Overwatch accounts] older than a certain amount.

I’d suggest text-only data compilation that indicates actions and positions on a timeline. Then running it through a simulator. That way you can create an accurate simulation that can be looked at whenever asked via support ticket.

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Doubt it, but never know.