Show me your talent

I know that the OW community is full of talent, outside of playing the game. I wanna see your fanart and read your fanfiction. So feel free to self-promote, you beautiful people.

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I don’t draw fanart or write fanfiction


Thats honestly really good



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um… what talent

I’d give it a 3 (ironically by this time you got 3 likes)


I don’t get the joke.

its blank because he has no talent :slight_smile:


Y’all could also promote an artist/writer you like…

Reinhardt painting a did about 8 months ago.

Can’t link unfortunately.


That looks awesome! I love all details, how you made the suit look kinda dirty like he just got out of battle. I’ve wished for a long time that I could draw.

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Here ya go bud. :slight_smile:

Wow that’s good! Great job!


I shared a bunch of 3D modeling stuff related to OW to @PlayOverwatch on twitter using Maya but no one seemed to care.

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Thanks, Apex!

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The Lone Roadhog

Alone I wait in a dark corner, knowing nearby, death awaits… I ponder my existence. How did it come to this? Where are my teammates now? Why am I alone?

Before I have a chance to blink I hear the cackle of death approach. As it spouts “CHEERS LOVE THE CAVALRY’S HERE,” I fear for my immortal soul. How can this being of undeath exist in this world I ask myself quietly.

Before a second notice I hear “Did you miss me?” and suddenly my lungs are shut off. I can no longer breath. Fleeing for my life as fast as my legs can move my body, I am shot in the back over and over. The bullets are small and don’t really hurt, but I know I cannot breath…

Suddenly in front of me, I hear again the call of death from around a corner “I got you something!” I stop moving immediately, and finally am able to take a breath. I escape from a grenade that had my name on it by a hair while I’m breathing heavily through my gas canister. As I duck behind a nearby car, I find myself under fire from behind yet again, this time from a larger sounding rifle…

I peer forward into the distance to see one of my teammates. Junkrat! Where have you been old friend, I think to myself as I yell “GET DOWN!”

Just as I yell, he goes limp. I peer backwards over my shoulder, at the trajectory at which the round was fired, and I see a small woman on a perch pointing a very large rifle at me.

I sidestepped and froze for a minuscule portion of a second, and a shot whizzed past my head. I ducked into a nearby alley, and see this small girl with what appears to be a snow suit on. I wasn’t sure who she was, or why she was there, but she started spraying this… very cold air at me. Before I knew what was happening, I could no longer move. Her tiny gun slowly forms what appears to be an incredibly sharp icicle. I pondered to myself, how did it end this way?

I closed my eyes to await the darkness. I hear a very loud thunk. It all goes dark. I can no longer breath. I hear a faint sound before I collapse… Heroes never die! A woman shouted.

Once again on my feet. Awake. Aware. I load my scrap gun, pull up my pants, and step into position behind Reinhardt. As I walk forward into the hellscape that is my life, I let out a loud statement. “Life… is pain, so is death.”



Oh, no. Genji-cat is stuck in that tree!