Show health pack locations through walls please

number of maps in rotation, disproportionately affecting certain heroes is a strange mechanic imho

Off topic…


not off topic, it’s right there in the original post

The thing you just quoted has nothing to do with a) the number of maps in rotation and b) certain heroes being affected by those maps, therefore, it is off topic.

I sincerely believe you are trolling at this point and will no longer engage you in this discussion. It is pointless to attempt useful discourse when the person you are trying to engage is not willing to see past their own view points.


5 games per week

mercy, also talking about characters who are not mercy by default


I said I sympathize with the opposing viewpoint

No one was accusing you of anything, I was pointing out the hypocrisy.

To you talking about SR relates to health packs. When someone suggests learning about the game not only is that not an option but it’s a discussion derailment?

This is the issue on this thread:

  • People are giving advice and helping you to help yourself and improve.
  • Anytime someone says something you don’t agree with you call it a derailment.
  • You make another point (that really doesn’t have anything to do with health packs).
  • Others address your new point.
  • You call their reply a derailment and go off to talk about how the game needs to change to suit you.

You’re not interested in discussion, solving the problem, and you don’t care what other people say.

This is rant/troll thread, not a forum of discussion. Don’t vent and get angry when people try to help. Blizzard clearly isn’t going to show health packs through walls and you’re just making demands to players (I hope you realize that).


unsolicited advice ftfy

when people suggest I “just learn where the health packs are” I call this derailment

just because it suits me doesn’t mean that I’m arguing for selfish reasons

these people say because finding healthpacks takes skill, it should stay in the game. that’s kind of an arbitrary reason

that’s defamatory, I’m making this post with sincerity

I haven’t seen any reason to alter from my opinion. I recognize the virtues of not showing health packs though the wall

I agree. I still wish to post my opinion on the matter.

Honest question. You know shooters like Halo? Very popular multiplayer fps? They have weapon locations and the better weapons are in harder to reach spots. TF2 also has health and ammo crates. Should these games have locatable pick ups?


it all depends on how many maps are in rotation. The more maps in rotation, the stronger the case is to show where pick ups are. That’s my take on it.

Ok, so in principle you have no qualms with pick ups being visible, outside of an arbitrary map number? How few maps must there be for you to personally feel satisfied? And whatever that number is, is that not in fact a biased opinion as it is catering to your specifications for what you think a reasonable map pool is?


about 10 to 12, beyond that many maps, pick up location memorization is daunting and no longer sporting

yes, this entire post is my opinion

How is it unsporting? Health pack location is a skill. Those that know map knowledge better perform better. That’s the purpose of sport. Those with more skill perform better.


do you think remembering where 4000 health packs are is sporting?

I don’t.

Because you said before there is an amount you deem fair to have to remember, 10 to 12 maps as you said, you are only making an argument to cater to your capability. If everyone has to play under the same conditions and are responsible for the same map knowledge then yes, by definition it is sporting.


maybe sporting isn’t the correct word, but I hope you understand the underlying issue I have

absolutely, what do you think is the threshold? or could they have 10,000 maps in rotation, and somehow you don’t think Sombra is at some sort of disadvantage

Doesn’t matter how many maps there are, it’s still fair if everyone is subject to the same lot. Should Blizzard highlight sniping sightlines, Soldier rocket jump and Hammond grapple locations too? You’re at a disadvantage if you pick these characters too and dont know those things after all


it’s fair to all the players, but not all the heroes

I’d be a fan if there was a big neon sign that said “2nd Best Widow’s Bird Nest”

I’m being serious, but this only applies with a billion maps. not with 10 or 12 and again, I don’t have as much conviction on this as I do health packs

this one is kinda buggy, but I digress. I’d like for every texture to have a greenish tint to it if Hammond is allowed to attach his grappling hook to it, same with widow

soldier shouldn’t be allowed to rocket jump

All heroes have inherent advantages and disadvantages. That’s why the game is good. Or should all characters have health regeneration?

Well we dont have a billion maps, we only have as many as we do and you’re still arguing for health pack transparency so that’s clearly false.


funny you brought that up, they kinda should, or at the very least, there should be some in game HUD element that explicitly tells you if one or some of your allies is not at full health, there by facilitating the “topping off” phase of the fight during down time

but they shouldn’t have the self heal mechanic because what if your downtime doesn’t have any healers in the group. so while I would like for there to be a self heal on all characters to get rid of the “top off” phase for the healers. I can see concrete evidence of why it shouldn’t exist i.e. what if there are no healers are alive after you win the team fight

so you’re admitting that the more maps there are the bigger the problem, no?

I still havent learned all the health pack locations in Havana (at least not well enough to make split-second decisions on which HP to make a run for).

That being said, i dont expect the game to cover my @ss for me, just because im too lazy to learn the locations properly.