Shouldn't Transcendance counter Graviton+Dragons?

I think this combo could use some counterplay


It does.


It really doesn’t. Damage boosted Dragonstrike can out-damage the Trans


This combo was already a thing before the meta emphasized it, But by all means, choose to complain about it now.


So now you want one hero to counter three?

Throw an Ana nade in there and Trans healing is buffed.


People are complaining about it now because both Zarya and Hanzo were garbage in the Dive era. It’s becoming a problem now because it’s in every damn game, while there is zero counterplay to it.


I wish EMP countered Transcendence. I think it’s the only ongoing ult that doesn’t get immediately halted by it.


Okay so where were you when Triple Tank and Zarya was meta almost a year and half ago? Grav was the center of it, and there was counterplay then, and then there’s counterplay to it now. Zarya was in every game and Genji was popular too lol, don’t just jump on the bandwagon and complain about it now.


Has the same counter play it’s always had. Deflect, D.Matrix, Not standing so close together that you all get sucked in, Mei wall block the Grav, individual heroes nopeing it.



But if the enemy Ana throw a nade, then, he negates both, Zen and ally Ana nade, making trans completely usseles

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As I said, Hanzo was garbage up until now. His damage output is too good to ignore, so he’s meta. The Gravition/Dragonstrike is a problem because there is no counterplay to it. It’s hard to believe that people are complaining about it when it’s been there the whole time, and I get that. But Hanzo was never meta up until Season 10, and it’s Grav/Dragon every game. It’s anti-fun, and can’t be countered.

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Transcendence does counter Graviton+Dragonstrike but if the Hanzo is being damage boosted or an Ana throws a bionade then your’e screwed. You also gotta remember that other enemy players will be using their abilities and primary fires on you.

In general, I do not really believe one ultimate should counter two; however, I honestly do not even care that much. I am honestly tired of wasting my ultimate on bad gravs as is, I would rather go back to Hanzo’s old zoning style of ultimate.

Which took 2 ults and 1 ability that is meant to stop healing.

It seems like everything is working as intended. Try not to group so all of you get stuck in a graviton

Even if he wasn’t meta, Dragonstrike+ Grav WAS STILL A VIABLE AND POWERFUL COMBO??? Are you reading my comments properly? Trans STILL counters Dragonstrike+Grav, it still even outheals the rest of the team attacking you at the same time lmao

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Triple tank was hog, rein, dva, only near the end of it was dva swapped out cuz she got changed and ppl didnt realize that as a DM bot she was amazing. And at that time hanzo still wasnt that great, now he is the best dps by far. Now both him and zarya are meta, hence the complaints. Also mercy is meta, so dmg boosting the dragon and it pretty much cancels out trans, team just needs to shoot stationary targets.

1 ult countering 2??

So now you’ve got 4 heroes, Mercy, Ana, Zarya, and Hanzo and you want 2 heroes to stop it? Cool. Any of the barrier tanks could have blocked the Ana nade.


Graviton is arguably the most powerful ultimate in the game. Ofc Graviton combos have always been a thing, but since dive’s been a thing we’ve barely seen any zarya/hanzo meta. Graviton was kind of countered by many heroes who used to be able to escape it like Tracer, Genji, Reinhardt or Sombra. Now that it’s been buffed, you can’t escape it at all unless you’re Orisa, Reaper or Moira. One of the last defense against graviton was Transcendance, now it’s irrelevant. And you know what happens when something has no counter, it gets mandatory, and we don’t want that

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