Should widow one shot be removed?

What? Two of the most problematic metas in OW1 (GOATS and double shield) existed purely to counter widow


Balance of Widow did not really matter in ow1 as bad as now thts the point I’m trying to make, removing widow would magically solve your Sombra and dive issues

I’d say more like Diamond+ so more like 15% of the player base, but yes.

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Keep the one shot but reduce the frequency. Having one shots be so common is what makes them obnoxious.

Hmm increase time between shots? Like rechambering ?

I think it should be kept but the max damage should be lowered so 275 and 300 hp targets don’t get oneshot.

That’s more like 10% of the playerbase. And Widowmaker is absolutely not a problem at diamond unless she is Papa Smurf and an entire team of boosted platinums refuse to address her.

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Diamond is 10%. Masters maybe 3%. GM about 1%. Champion almost nobody. So maybe 14%.

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Ah, I did not realize it worked that way. I thought it was based on percentile or something. Oops, my b.

:muscle: :sweat_smile:

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The closest thing to a compromise between “keep it” and “get rid of the one shot” is likely to convert the headshot portion of the damage to a DoT…it always feels weird (and bad) when they try it in oddball modes, but they also generally don’t give Widow reasonable (if any) compensation for the loss in power.

It better preserves her identity and feel than doing something like turning her into a slower firing but longer ranged version of Ashe that gets the one shot back during her ultimate or maybe on a new skill (mapped to weapon swap button, I suppose) which gives her a couple full power bullets on like a 30 second cooldown (presumably cooldown doesn’t start until the bullets are used up or canceled in some fashion).

The DoTs have also usually been buggy during the oddball modes, which may contribute to why they haven’t pushed it to a main patch.

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The only one rework iw from those mode is mirrorwatch mercy

not exactly.
diamond and above are 10% while gm are like 0,3 % (so Dia/M are 9,7%)

the thing is thought those numbers are from OW1 times, so it can be different now.

the problem is, its also difficult to balance.
If you make it too slow, supports have all day long to react. Make it too fast and it makes no different.
The next problem is, make it too slow and headshots loose their value and you are faster just body two shot.
those to in combination make it impossible. The point where actually aiming for the head was the better option is too fast for supports to react.
(Reminder, this was during OW1 with 200hp base health)

the next thing is, it does feel like playing on high ping for the widow and dying to a DOT is, atleast for me, the worst kind of death as you basically jsut sit there, watch your HP go down and you can´t do anything about it (Similar to Mei´s freeze combo).

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Comp is probably only 40% of the playerbase, with maybe only 25% on PC Comp.

So. Divide that 14% by 4.

This literally translates to: “Widowmaker deserves to be the best hero at every range”.

This is way too much free value for a Widowmaker just existing in the lobby. For one, you can’t play the game if you never leave cover, and, secondly, contribution is severely reduced if you cannot afford to make any aggressive plays.

Only one sniper suffers becase 5v5 is fast pace and sniping is all about patience. If they will remove vm from game they also can remove/rework sombra that is cancer for 99% of the games

No, it’s not diamond and above are 10%. Diamond is about 10% based on what has been released to us in the past. GM is about 1% per what the developers have said before.

They released numbers again since overwatch 2 released and it was pretty close to the same. I think that the Overwatch 2 numbers actually had 12% in diamond at the time.


The devs said some time ago that Comp was more popular then QP, and even then, why differentiate between comp and QP? Comp probably somewhat resembles the skill curve to QP

huh, then this info that passed me by, welp. But good to know

So I was just talking about the percentage of comp. But also the number in comp fluctuates from 40% to 60% depending on the season from what I understand.

I agree with most of that, but the issue of making headshots situationally suboptimal shouldn’t happen if only the crit damage is applied as a DoT, in other words the normal amount body damage is always applied instantly.

There aren’t really solutions here that will satisfy or feel good to everyone or in every situation. I’m not part of the camp that believes it’s necessary to remove one-shots either, for that matter (if the Widow icon wasn’t enough of a clue).

What I am saying though, is that I haven’t seen an alternative presented that sounds better to me than implementing some form of DoT on her attack.