Should we even be surprised anymore?

This experiment wreaks of complete disconnect with what the community is complaining about.

Community problem: too much knock back
What they nerf: stuns on heroes constantly getting weaker

Its a clear indication that they don’t care to actually talk to the community to inquire about feedback and just go off numbers exclusively. Why else would Brig who is as balanced as she could be right now get a stun nerf as well then they turn around and give Roadhog MORE knockback?


did i read roadhogs knock back got INCREASED?

Seems like you’re out of touch with the community, we want less stuns, less mei freeze less rein shatter less bs can’t play the game moments, no one has issues with knickknacks like boop and whip shot so I’m all for these changes besides the brig, sigma and hog ones


By 20% yes…I don’t even know what to say at this point.

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its more of a nerf than a buff if you think about it


We are basically testing things for OW2 now.

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Pretty sure people wanted stuns like Flashbang and Mei’s freeze nerfed. What disconnect?

Never seen any complaints about Lucio boop or whip shot.


Ya that’s why I hope it doesn’t go through cause hog is already in an awful state

Everyone expected Mei nerfs becasue she still has multi freeze which has been the sole issue since 222 but they continuously ignore it. Take it from a Mei main.

If you have a problem with Rein shatters being seen constantly ask them to make other tank viable.

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A knockback does not bother me at all. Yes I am not where I was, but I am still actively playing the game. During a stun I am not actively playing the game so it annoys me.

The Dart nerf is fine. Its a nice Ashe buff but in general, unless they are a nano genji, it just means you have to kill them faster which you were probably going to anyway.

The flash nerf is just a skill buff to make you go back to how you aimed before on McCree.

The shatter nerf is also fine. .5 sesconds is not going to be the difference between doomed or not. If he gets 1-2 people they are probably dead and if he got 3-4 the front 2 are probably dead.

What all these changes do accomplish is get people back into the game faster and give them more time being actively in control.

If there were a BIG PICTURE change I would want for OW2 it would be to move spawn locations in such a way that the runback is far less for all heroes. This would also likely require some mechanic to counter massive stalls that would ensue, which is why its an OW2 request, but in general less time not fighting and more time fighting is good.

The Roadhog change is actually a nerf, if you wanted to get kills with it.

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I completely agree they need to buff other tanks but the crazy CC is an issue, I think with the CC nerfs some of the characters should’ve gotten compensation buffs like as much as I hate mei her damage is pitiful and raising it to 60 per second is the least they could do

What are you talking about, there have been way more complaints about Mei and Mccree than about knock backs.

Ask an actual Roadhog main and see if getting kills is your main goal with his ult.

In other words, we let hyper-mobility run wild like the old days :roll_eyes:


Is getting kills the main goal of your ult as hog? Asking for a friend.

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Usually I’d use wholehog to finish off a critical target when you run out of ammo. It wouldn’t do all the damage, but it would certainly finish the job.

Still 50 hours ahead of you lol. Also kinda proves you aren’t making proper used of him. Roadhog played properly is the most effective tank for peel and CC. His ult is specifically for that, getting kills should never be a priority.

That’s not entirely true. One of the best uses of his ult is to eliminate an enemy tank immediately after your hook combo. Sure his ult is great for zoning out genji blades and primal and stuff like that, but to say you should never aim for a pick is a little underselling the ult.