Should tanks feel "tanky"?

Everyone is complaining how mauga is “unkillable” and is difficult to kill, and in my mind im thinking “shouldnt tanks be tanky.”

There is only one in their role, and in all honesty tanks shouldnt be push overs to begins with.

Like ive experienced a bastion(a dps) feel more tanky than some of the actual tanks.

Now back to mauga, im not gonna say mauga is perfectly balanced, this is not the point of my thread, but im using him as an example because everyone seems to hate that he is “too tanky”. To me im thinking, “shouldnt tanks in general, feel tanky”?

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The goal should be “FPS Heavy” not “MMORPG Meatshield”.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

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Reduce Dva’s critbox to make her more tanky please :+1:

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There is a fine line of being tanky and unkillable, i won’t neccessarily dissagree to the point, but it can be relativly hard to balance a tank that has selfsustain, they are mostly restricted due to dependency on a support backing them up, if that tank has a good selfsustain it is very easy to break that point when 2 supports backs him and break that limit.
Its an issue in itself that these tools need to stay relativly weak so supports can shine.
I don’t neccessarily agree with the philosphy of support dependency but thats how the game is structured and seen.

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They should feel “tanky”. Not “literally impossible to kill without anti” like mauga.

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I don’t think tanks should be immortal, I think all tanks should have one ability used to mitigate damage. I feel tanks should be brawling dps like junkerqueen and rein with a decent health pool but nothing that allows them to be immortal. I feel tanks should still play around corners but not be oppressed enough that they feel weak. Blizzard needs to heavily nerf damage and healing in general to achieve this. I don’t like the fact that losing the tank means an instant loss on that fight. I think players should feel it but not be forced to retreat the second they lose their tank. With good coordination the dps should have enough power to destroy an enemy tank if they aren’t careful. Basically, I think it’s good for tanks to have around 400-450hp but have armor and some form of damage mitigation. Sure they will feel very alike all the same but it’s the best way to balance out the definition of what a tank is supposed to be.

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They have broken levels of hp, sustain, armour.

double bubble, fortify, Sigma shield/ grasp, dm that lasts forever

They’re super tanks, WAY stronger than their 6v6 versions, broken levels to where they just run you over and there’s nothing you can do when you don’t have your tank “tanking” for you.

I love 5v5, but the tank balance has been horrible because they refuse to actually balance tanks. They give them multiple buffs at once or buffs when they aren’t even weak. When other tanks just needed nerfing for them to compete.
Sigma is a big reason for this I find, they gave him the most bloated kit of all time and had to make every tank stupidly broken to compete with him. Made every tank a brawler, but didn’t rework him as the poke tank with too many defensive tools. Hog, Mauga have received multiple buffs to their sustain just to compete with Sigma.

It seems like they tried to do that, but it didn’t work. Naturally, its fair to say “it would if Ana wasn’t a thing and discord wasn’t a thing”, but to me that’s a bit odd. So many game mechanics would have to be stripped to facilitate that “FPS heavy” idea, and at some point you have to wonder if tanks should just be closer to MMO tanks for Overwatch.

I don’t think they should be unkillable raid bosses. In fact, I think that they should just resist debuffs more and leave it at that. But the idea to turn them into brawlers and heavies has had mixed results.

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Depends on the kind of tank. I mean, Doom and Winston aren’t really “tanky” compared to Rein or Hog, but they have better mobility and one can potentially just stay behind his shield for a while.

The problem is these whiners just want their targets to drop over dead in 3 shots.
They complained about double Barrier when there were two tanks and they’ll keep complaining so long as they don’t get that call of duty rush of being the sole contributor for a team wipe.

Before you say, Yes. I do find Mauga easy to kill because I know how to fight against him. Yes, his TTK is impressive and have been on the receiving end of a roll. But you wanna know why I lost against Mauga? My team was undermanned by the time Mauga was focusing me after an elimination so I wasn’t recieving support in any capacity (healing or otherwise)

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Why is that even a question? Yes.

AntiNade was created for the purpose of
“Too many tanks”.

That purpose no longer exists.

I dont really have a problem with a tank feeling tanky.

My problem with mauga is by and large he feels like a tank designed to just lay into other enemy tanks with pretty gnarly levels of never-ending damage- making a lot of enemy tanks feel like glass.

Being tanky > being an unstoppable wall that pumps damage with great team offensive utility, and brawling sustainability.

There is nothing inherently wrong with a tank hero being extremely hard to kill, but it should come with offensive downsides. Mauga is insanely hard to kill AND does more damage than both dps combined.

According to the devs “Naaaah! They should feel brawly!”

And we keep asking them “WHY?!”

Anti nade was absolutely not made explicitly to counter tanks. You guys spread this misinformation, and then get confused when things aren’t changed. Anti nade effects tanks greatly, but that’s a consequence of being a large target.

Well, I don’t really care that much on the design motivations for Ana 7 years ago.

But we’re in a much different context now than we were 7 years ago.

And the issue is that AntiNade is hard gatekeeping Tank design in 5v5. And that’s all too obvious with Mauga, Hog, and to an extent JunkerQueen.

They have given him too much damage and range. OTher tanky tanks are limited in some aspect, but he has range, damage, health-steal, a good ult and a charge that can’t be CC’d as well as damage reduction. They basically threw everything at 1 hero and Mauga is the result. He can never be balanced as long as bastion, soldier, sojourn, etc. exist to be on his team.