Should Sym have Healing turrets and DPS turrets?

I have thought of a way she could technically have both. (Ending with two each for balance reasons.)

But before I suggest how, should she?

How many turrets is too much for 5v5?

Should slow and speed boost be a factor?


Tbh, I’m warming up to the idea of a healing Symm, just because we need more Support players.


If they did this I’d say keep the turrets to three but have her cycle through heal or dps by using the weapon swap keybind.

IF they did this.

I do kinda like the idea of throwing a healing turret up to a widow.


Also if she gets healing turrets, then her primary fire should also provide healing.

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Maybe have a max limit of only three turret existing?

aka my suggestion is tied to my Alt fire suggestion.

Aka give the damaging Alt fire “also healing” and then return it to “piecing”

To damage multiple heroes and heal multiple allies.

At the end, we can have the alt fire, turn into a healing turret.

(suggested something similar in the past.)

(aka DPS turrets would stay the same.)

This way Sym would have access to both turrets.

Though we also can do the reverse.

aka Healing Turrets as it’s own ability, and DPS turrets in Alt Fire.

If Symm becomes a support, then I’d rather make her left/rightclick heal-capable things, and turrets as somethin’ else that could help against flankers.

I prefer utility effects and don’t like turrets or such auto-things to damage/heal directly.

Both. 3 DPS Turrets + 3 Healing Turrets for a total of 6 Turrets like she used to have.

What if she had 3 charges of slow/damage turrets and 3 charges of healing/speed boost turrets?

Edit: I kept reading and now realize I wasn’t the first to suggest this

I think her right click should be healing projectiles and leave her left click as damage

To me she just makes so much more sense as a support, her teleport would make a great defensive escape that most of the supports would love to have and her ult is already a support ult.

Seems clunky. If Symmetra gets ‘healing turrets’ then they should be redesigned for it.

I don’t see everyone’s fascination with trying to slap healing beams on Sym’s spoonatozoa constructs. Just seems like a lot of downtime before she can actually heal someone. Feels like for that idea to work, Sym would need bonkers level healing to counter all the limitations (also, a ton of beams jutting out of multiple heroes sounds like a messy visual)

Good healing sentries should be instantly place-able like a Mei wall. A good Sym support rework should be geared at removing a lot of her wind-up/clunky mechanics and making parts of her kit more reliable. If the devs do make her a support one day, I hope they don’t just slap healing onto one of her abilities and call it a day. She deserves something tailor made to work.

Again it’s impossible to suggest what to do with Sym.

Because devs have done such a terrible job guiding the ship.

Only if they’re made well.
Not the exp turrets.

If Sym doesn’t offer additional survivability to her team apart from healing turrets they have to be pretty consistent and that’s the main issue.
EXP turres were inconsistent - even if they make the ai better. They’re still stationary with limited range. That’s bad even for an off support.
I think they’d have to work similar to Zen’s orb: You target a team mate and throw a turret to them and they never stop flying.
They would be a lot worse tbh → lower travel speed, destroyable, maybe lower healing per turret, cooldown.
And how do they behave when the team mate teleports away like with recall? Zen’s orbs just disappear but what happens to turrets? They could get an autopath ai so they always fly to their target even when they lose contact. But during this time they wouldn’t get any value.
The only advantage compared to Zen’s orb is you have 3 (or 6) of them. So in 5v5 you can heal amost the entire team. And the might stack.
To make turrets live longer they could get 100 or 150 HP and they could always fly behind their target so they are harder to kill. And what about a small damage explosion once they get destroyed? Like a mini ult. Could be fun even for current turrets.

These are just random thoughts on how healing turrets could be less horrible. Still not a fan but I take anything over DPS Sym.

Healing on weapon means main healer and I think Sym should never become a main healer.

Why would healing turrets be any better worse than dps turrets?

Why can’t the current turrets do both at the same time? She could use the buffs.

Also, most people have no bloody idea how to set turrets and how different placements are for very different functions, nevermind the fact that the windup and cooldown for all turrets are prohibitively bad solely because of TP bombs (which are imo tired and useless/very predictable/very punishing when they don’t get value).

Turrets always should’ve been pinpoint projectiles until they hit and deploy, but the devs have literally never bothered to do that despite them getting stuck on all kinds of :horse: :poop: all the time. Sure, it’s nice to block a Widow HS or Hook, but how often is this happening for all players to consider that use case?

Or just do a proper healing turret test that isn’t buggy day 1.

Depends on a lot of things. I think it’s a fair idea the only real issue has always been with the builder class in OW is it slows the game down. If Sym has a limited number of turrets to deploy, with some kind of CD on placing more it lowers your ability to push or fall back.

That you can’t leave that area if you want healing. Unless it’s attached to the payload or something. Also as current turrets work it’s kind of a lot to micro manage.

A lot of that is because Sym’s turrets die so eaisly, so perhaps healing turrets couldn’t be destroyed by enemy fire. But it takes about 2 seconds to send out a turret, 1 to 2 seconds your not doign anything else.

If that turret doesn’t’ provide amazing healing, it’s mostly wasted time. It’s like in the live game right now, half the time your better off just attacking an enemy than trying to put out a turret mid fight.

Especially if Sym’s ramp up mechanic remains as a healer, aka healing more the longer you heal without reloading or something.

The other issue is if SYm’s turrets are good people will complain about she’s no skill. You know cause aiming lucio’s healing is so hard. Thus we are left with somewhat lame turrets.

I would probably say let he turrets do something else, like dmg boost or speed boost nearby allies. Or heck even refill their ammo so they don’t have to reload or something.

NO oh my gosh, static healing turrets would be TERRIBLE. I want Support Sym but I am TIRED of people acting like healing turrets is a remotely good idea, Geoff himself said they tested it and hated it and that she would need healing somewhere else to actually work.

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