Should storm arrows be able to crit?

Good luck hitting all of those with Hanzo.
There’s even an achievement for his storm arrows and as an achievement hunter I have 150 / 154 achievements.
Still haven’t got that Hanzo achievement lol


Well done pal :ok_hand:

Who’s the hypotrical sorry? :ok_hand:

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Can you read?
I said he takes no skill ironically. Since you have no arguments you just take my words out of context and add a slow clap? Amazing.

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Bro to be fair it’s pretty hard to tell when someone’s being ironic or sarcastic just by reading

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OK? After I explain it it’s pretty obvious. He decided he was going to reverse the positions of my comments to make me seem like a hypocrite. He could’ve instead just agreed he acted like one and we both walk away peacefully.

Exactly also nowhere i say that Reaper is better than Hanzo or stuff like that so i don’t understand even the point of starting this sarcastic and ironic comment, i just pointed out that 5 storm arrow can do the same damage of 5 bodyshot of Mc Cree in 1.25 seconds when mr cowboy can do the same damage in 3 seconds, to me unfair then maybe i am wrong, peace :v:

An ability on a cooldown being stronger than a primary fire( debatable since peacekeepers is more consistent)?It can’t be.

I think the entire ability should just be scrapped and reworked, Hanzo was already super spammy and luck orientated, so what did they do, they made him more spammy and luck orientated

Give him an ability that allows for good players to have consistency and doesn’t allow for people to get easy value by spamming it into tanks

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So just nerf storm arrows and buff his projectile speed?

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No, storm arrow shouldn’t be able to crit. End of story.
A sniper (the game say so) shouldn’t have so much power in their hand.

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And what does he get in return? I’d be more than happy to do it if he gets his arrow speed back.

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not everything needs compensation. if something is OP you nerf it. not replace it

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If he’s OP what are Echo, Tracer and McCree? Free wins?

they’re entirely irrelevant to this thread is what they are


I just don’t see the point in nerfing a character that isn’t even the best in his class.

because he’s too good at what he does. there’s 0 reason to choose widow over hanzo at this point because he does everything better and more. he doesn’t even need to be 100% accurate to kill people in one hit

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And buffing his arrow speed fixes that. Makes him less rng. And you keep his power level the same by nerfing storm arrows.

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then I’m all for it, along with a reduction to the hit detection on his primary arrows

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You fix that by fixing character hitboxes.
Also I have a request for you. If you’re near your pc, would you mind hopping into the practice range and seeing how far away from the head of the bot Tracer a Widowmakers bullet kills her?

you’re obviously trying to make a point so why don’t you just say it