Effort to ratio reward is part of balancing. If we speak about number alone all DPS and Ana will need massive nerf cuz their full capacity outstrip Moira 10 times over, but no one ever reach half of those capacity.
People have beef with Moira because her massive value is guaranteed, it was built in. There is no real sense of competitive with her.
Case in point. This is not balance, thats your perception how good a hero should be based on how difficult they are. Moira is easy, therefore she shouldnt be able to beat high skill heroes. Thats your mindset.
I feel like a lot of Moira players are not up to the challenge, even if it meant opening Moira skill cap. Maybe DPS mains could even one up Moira mains by playing her and get better results
I think she’s easy and fun, but it sucks to play against her. the hitbox is just too big, and that’s coming from someone who SUCKS at aiming.
also the damage orb is too rng and easy to 1v1 with.
damage orbs should have the nerfs on experimental but healing should stay the same.
edit: perhaps her orbs should disappear after leaving her line of sight for a few seconds to remove that rng bs.
I mean he’s kinda right. if don’t have to aim much and deal 100dps, it’s a problem (and that’s coming from a symmetra main who LOVED 2.0). soldier’s low health? deleted.
So you are saying that we should disregard that effort/reward ratio?
Let me ask Jeff to buff McCree gun’s hurt box so that I can easily reach 80 90 percent of accuracy. After all a true competitive players such as yourself can easily over come it by getting a near perfect accuracy with Widow or Ashe, yes?
Moiras damage is easily out healed and a Moira which is trying to kill you with her right click is not healing her team, while her healing is actually the most value in her kit she can offer for the team.
Many low rank Moiras play pseudo dps and go on a flank and get value that way because they dont trust their dps to do the job. But once they hit high gold/low plat that playstyle stops working, because people start to play as a team, they have better awareness and better aim.
Unless she uses coalesence she doesnt have enough offensive pressure to get alot of value playing like a duelist.
If i figure the enemy runs a dps Moira i take the free win. Just watch her to burn fade early to get in the backline without any escape option.
I know, I’m not arguing that she should have less healing- it’s the best part of her kit, and why i play her. but if she does an orb+ her right click, you just die. it’s not fun, and she can accidentally get kills with a stray orb. that’s why i want her to change. so she can deter flankers, but to kill them, she has to actually outplay them.
edit: and i’m not talking about the flanking moiras, i’m talking about the proper healing moiras who are occasionally flanked or in the midst of a team fight.
Well if you know she can do that then dont try to solo her 1v1 in the backline as a flanker. Being a good player means learning not looking for a fair fight, but only take engagements when youre at an advantage.
True. So is bastion, symmetra, mei, doomfist, sombra, wrecking ball, roadhog, widowmaker.
In your opinion. I have fun playing moira.
That’s not the hero moira is supposed to be. All she is able to do is heal and damage. As a trade off for having 0 utility, shes easy and heals a lot. Ana on the other hand has the most utility in the game. As a trade off, she’s one of the hardest characters in the game. It goes both ways. You haven’t talked about buffing her utility and you just wanna straight nerf her skill, that’s not how it works lol.
So you want to make moira more engaging but the ideas you’ve proposed will make moira who sits on the outskirts of a fight and not have to engage in a fight to refill her healing ??? Her having higher passive resource regeneration rewards her standing there and doing nothing and not having to engage.
Moira doesn’t need a rework honestly, but they need to make the resource mechanic more of an actual thought and not “oh, guess we took a lot of damage this last fight.” Granted I’m just a QP player, but I rarely ever run out of resource (and no, not really a DPS only Moira).
And lets be real here, only one rework can really be considered a success. Give ya a hint, it wasn’t for a hero that had to get reworked again or nerfed 14 times even though people talked about how OP it was before launch.
I don’t see how you can “rework” her because of the character design, it’s kind of a similar issue as to bastion where you can’t easily rework them without changing their character design. It’s not like hanzo where just changing the arrow does the trick (scatter to storm) or mercy where they just let her use her wings in the ultimate (ik there were more changes to her but I’m just pointing out the ones related to character design)
ok I feel like you don’t understand. “Out of combat” means “ok you haven’t taken damage or dealt damage for a bit, so here you go here’s some resource for ya pal”
I’m a support/tank main, I don’t go on flanks often. but if I find myself looking for a health pack and an orb just appears it sucks because you can’t fight against it. you can’t shoot the orb to make it disappear. it just kills you.
but also in a team fight & everyone’s on the point, the moira can just kill me faster than i can kill her, and it’s not even a test of aim/skill.
I actually have a bit of a lore idea for how to rework Bastion. Torbjorn makes him more of a defensive bot rather than an offensive one, made to protect (like how overwatch as an organization works) and then boom new tank hero, reduce his damage and stuff sure but still
As a critic of the kit, I will say I don’t think she needs a full-on rework, but she does need a soft-rework that is closer to a rebalancing. The lack of mechanics in the kit wouldn’t be such an issue if the output of it (healing/damage) wasn’t so strong, and with Fade and self-heal on top. Even with the rationalization of anti-flanking, its a bit much compared to even Brig 2.0 who must actually express significant game sense before engagements and pays a steep price for being out of position, and let’s be honest, there is nothing in Moira’s kit that compares to Whipshot requiring skill.
Just reduce the output, particularly on damage. Brig 2.0 proves its not necessary to always kill an opponent, merely in many cases to drive them off or deter them to create a much better match up of skill. If you reduce output you have to make it up with better game sense and positioning (something already some Moira players noted with the previous nerfs). Fade is also on a ridiculous c/d of 6 seconds… six seconds…
Naturally, the Moira Mafia will accept nothing but a utility buff, opining that any issues surrounding Moira are everyone else’s lack of skill while ignoring her lack of requiring it in the same breath.
I will say that I personally think the design of requiring damage to perform healing is a bad idea. Imagine if we required DPS to do healing before doing damage?
But then they will have to rework alot of his cosmetics also accordingly ? And I don’t think they have done something like this before but well they might do it considering how bad bastion is right now. Bastion is kinda in a same situation as tachanka was in R6 like an immobile turret just doesn’t work in game like overwatch (or R6)
If youre in a teamfight, you should be near your healers or have a quick escape options near a healthpack. That doesnt just apply when fighting a Moira but basically any hero.
Yes, sometimes when youre already low the Moira orb will get you. But in the grand scheme of things more often than not it will just do some chip dmg which you can ignore and gives the Moira some Ult charge.
The couple of times it killed you just happened to stay in your memory because of salt, while people forget when the enemy Moira basically didnt do anything.