Should mercy super jump be an ability?

Pretty much! I’ll go full-on Aria Rose if that happens :v: :rofl:



I think it could be fine to make it official by labelling it as a “passive” ability.

I’m not sure if heroes can have more than one though.


a sudden vertican jump doesn’t fit Mercy at all, yes it’s viable and isn’t really that OP, but it shows how clunky Mercy has become how neglected she is, since Blizzard allow glitchy tech to remain… they don’t bother tweeking Mercy’s movement and momentum to fit guardian angel speed nerfs, so they would rather have this glitch remain because…“IT JUST WORKS™”.

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Should mercy super jump be an ability?

I hope not, I’m running out of button binds on my controller already with Mercy.

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But aria rose is so lit ;-; shes a queen :joy::joy:

I know… :point_up: :rofl:

As long as they didn’t tamper with it or button-bind it, I’d be fine with it getting labelled.


I believe it falls under clever use of game mechanics. Not a bug.

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Oh so the classic…Not a bug, it’s a feature :rofl:

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Not exactly. It’s an unintended consequence of game mechanics interacting with an ability. It’s not a bug and instead just using the games mechanics to your advantage.

Well it’s partially based on balance and popularity, so it is going to be inconsistent. Features born from bugs are always going to be inconsistent between each other because the bugs are happening to different heroes. The only real rule is if it’s something you can reasonably expect an enemy to react to that’s potentially dangerous to the user, it stays. And of course, if the fans of the hero clamor enough about its removal when it still fits those criteria, it gets re-added as a feature.

Bug features removed for balance

Genji’s ledge jump and Echo’s original flight cancel, the ones that propelled them halfway across the map, those were clearly unbalanced. High impact characters making no sound but just appearing in the backline of a team at the start of a match is literally the fear that keeps Sombra in the dumpster. You couldn’t reasonably play around Genji or Echo when they were literally dropping out of the sky behind your team when they left spawn, and then escaping just as quickly. In a similar vein, they current multiboop that Wrecking Ball can do that oneshots squishies is recognized as an exploit that’s going to be removed, because you physically can’t stop it with anything.

Bug features kept in due to balance and popularity

These consist of Lucio’s Wallride, Doomfist’s Rocket Punch techs, and yes Mercy’s bunnyhop/superjump. Basically, you can play around all of these, and the characters are far, far worse without these features. Lucio’s first iteration of his wall skimming had a similar effect as Echo’s flight cancel, where he could be halfway across the map. However, Lucio’s wallride is loud. He’s not stealthy, nor is he assassinating anyone. He’s not impossible to hit even when wallriding. And when it was removed, Lucio became so slow and clunky to play. Everyone complained, from low level players to pro streamers and OWL players. Mercy’s Bunnyhop and Superjump is seen in a similar light, and Bunnyhop when it was still a bug was actually related to Lucio’s wall skim. Especially in the midst of the Rework nerfs, it added some neat variety to her kit. The bug version had issues since it canceled the gravity on Mercy’s movement and she could be sent flying off the map without being near a ledge. All in all, it was balanced and just kinda buggy.

Now, Doomfist does have some crazy 3D mobility with Rocket Punch, but in doing so he can’t use it to kill a target and it’s still a very loud and telegraphed ability (Doomfist’s problem is that his other two abilities are basically silent by comparrison, but everyone blames the Rocket Punch). His bug isn’t actually the jumps, but the ability to cancel it mid use while keeping momentum. Now the devs did remove that in an internal test, and they hated what it did to Doomfist. He relies on that bug for a lot of his mobility, so it’s here to stay.

Because it’s their game and they make it as they want.

Again I know that, but why don’t they just admit it? It’s favouritism and feels unfair.
Roadhogs bug wasn’t broken and they blatantly hate Roadhog.

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It believe it’s about how it effects the players. It adds skill to mercy and movement that’s still part of her kit. and it doesn’t kill people. Also it has weaknesses.

Doesn’t matter. When a bug becomes an integral part of a heroes kit i.e. Roadhog, there’s no point in removing it. But they did, and that crippled Roadhog until the spread buffs. His secondary fire is still crippled from that. See kevinatenines statement above.

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This is very clearly a bug related to the physics system and how it is controlled by the gameplay logic. Physics bugs are very common. Some of them can hide during development and make it to release. After being discovered some of them become features.

The question in case of a bug is whether it gives an unfair advantage or not in exchange for the required skills to trigger the bug. I personally don’t find super jump to be too annoying and it can expose Mercy to hitscan players. It gives her an extra navigation ability that isn’t too powerful IMO.

Super jump has been around for a while and there were bug reports too.
Blizzard knows about it:

There was a famous bug in Quake called strafe jump that similarly to Mercy’s super jump allowed advanced navigation for skillful players. That bug became an official feature and was put into many future Quake games intentionally.

My question: is super jump an “official feature” that they intend to keep/maintain as part of Mercy’s kit (the same way as Quake developers kept strafe jump)? If it is classified only as a “harmless” low priority bug then it might be patched in the future intentionally or unintentionally.

Some bugs aren’t good features from the perspective of game design.

It should be removed.

Along with Doomfist’s diagonal punches.

-a Mercy main

Well that’s because it didn’t exist before. And also I don’t think anyone was thinking “let me lodge mercy into the ground so that when I guardian angel I go up instead of straight”

She has several others if you’re interested in learning.