Should matchmaker use MMR or only SR?

Exactly that. Leave it for SR and other factors. Remove the MMR totally

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The problem with MMR for most of the players is that if implemented correctly they would need an AI to inspect the whole fight. Lucky ults etc. play a lot of factor in lower ranked games. I would agree to use MMR for lets say 3000-3500+ but in lower games just remove it totally. In my view the MMR should be based on:

  1. SR
  2. Ping
  3. FPS
  4. Level

Those “other factors” are taken into account by MMR. How else would you do that? Level should not be taken into account since it has no bearing on how good you are, you’re at the same rank as the level 40 player on your team. FPS same thing, they made it to the same rank as you with their FPS being what it is. Even with Ping it gets that player the best connection it can find for them but it shouldn’t make them wait longer for it.

Lucky ults and other things an AI would need to “inspect” balance out over time as stats are collected. If a player is really getting a few lucky ults it also stands to reason that they will be completely blowing as many of them due to the same “luck”.

Level would remove partially the new smurfs problem. Also would match up those who have been playing longer than others => thus most likely equally skilled or worst skilled. FPS widow with 20 ping and 250 monitor will totally rekt 50 ping widow with 60 fps monitor => balance it out since they have the stats already.

It would put them against only new players which discourages new people from trying the game and makes the player population decrease faster since players that leave are replaced by less people. A low level account is still at the rank you are at.

Same is true with an FPS or Ping issue. If a player with a bad ping/monitor is at the same rank as a silver Widow with great ping/fps then they are skilled enough to overcome it and compete.

Even then there’s no stopping people who can from manipulating their ping to be really bad then fix it when they get into a game to have an advantage.

Yes let the new players have them. Otherwise they will never disappear or if they play as much as the original account then it is not smurfing => better suggestion?
Nope => let them equally compete. This would remove the effect of advantageous settings in computer => better suggestion?
Let them manipulate the ping as much as they want…I will take all day long widow with 200 FPS and 20 ping with level 500 against a smurfing widow with less settings => better suggestion?

You saying “better suggestion” implies that yours are actually good ones. In a perfect world yes isolating smurfs or people with bad connections could be nice but it is unrealistic.

Like said lets try mine e.g. 1 season or otherwise better suggestions => you got to argue properly.

Like I said “let’s try mine” imply they are worth trying, bring something significant worth trying and they might.

Even having a better connection/computer may give an advantage in a neutral setting with even skills but if they are in gold/plat because of their tech but lack of great skill they will have an even matchup with someone who is in gold/plat because of their skill with slightly less quality tech.

That is exactly what my proposal aims for???

Even having a better connection/computer may give an advantage in a neutral setting with even skills but if they are in gold/plat because of their tech but lack of great skill they will have an even matchup with someone who is in gold/plat because of their skill with slightly less quality tech.

Why not balance on the settings since that is the easiest way to do?

But it can not achieve it. Unlike in GTAV where, for example, where they put “bad sports” in the same lobby if you destroy a bunch of other player’s cars, they actually have a metric that is accurate and can use to separate. Level has no bearing on performance and can’t guarantee whether someone is new or just on a new account.

Because if the matchup is already even (once again these are still players at the same rank, whatever reason they are there for) then there is no reason to separate them.

Let’s put it this way. We are happily in disagreement on this one.

Sure, we have different priorities when it comes to the matchmaker.

Sidenote: In the same way that two players can be in plat/diamond for different reasons (one being an amazingly mechanically skilled player but a horrible teammate/gamesenes/positioning, the other being an extremely smart player but struggles mechanically), their matchup should be theoretically even being at the same rank since they both have ways to beat the other. It’s not perfect but anything really below Masters or even GM/top500 can have players that are at that rank because they are good/struggle at completely different things. It’d be nice to be able to take that into account and either put all the people with great aim/mechanical skill together in a lobby and the smart players in another, or at least split them evenly between teams, but it’s something that shouldn’t matter in the long run.

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I’ve seen this with my gm friend smurfing with me in gold.

After a few games our “gold” team mates were sub bronze standard, as in literally unable to use basic abilities for their heroes.
My gm friend told me the gold games were harder than in gm due to all the dead weight.

Another example. A diamond Ana on a gold alt. His sleep darts, accuracy, etc were sick. But we got 2 plankton brain feeder tanks that just fed all game. As in throwing level of bad.

The diamond Ana got to diamond eventually, but I just remember how frustrated he was in that game that we got saddled with trash to drag him down.

The whole mmr matchmaker is a breeding ground for toxicity as nobody trusts their team mates to be able to play at a given sr.

As another forum goer commented, per team you’ll generally get 3 good players and 3 rubbish players. Enable the good players (and if you’re lucky you’re one of the rubbish players getting carried), and help them to carry you to a win.


I am able to win games more in two ways:

  1. I am gold and other players are silver => better win percentage for me
  2. I am gold and I play with plat/diamond player friends => better win percentage for me
    Thus I want to see this whole concept of MMR removed for at least one season to try something different out.

It shouldn’t use either.

Your own performance should be hidden from the matchmaker. No rigging.

It should naively grab 12 random people from a pool/tier, and ship a match. Your own SR goes up or down based on the accumulation of wins/losses. Until finally, you flip over into the next pool/tier. And you only need around 5 pools/tiers to represent the ladder and distribute the sparsity/lowpop for adequate mixing.

1900 silver right now. I continue to be grouped with Bronze players while the enemy team has multiple golds. If that’s MMR match making please remove thank you


It’s not, don’t listen to the “rigged” crowd and their tin foil hats. Want some control over your teammates then you should group up with people you can trust.

Ah so solo queue it is :laughing:

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I sometimes get placed with bronze players on my high silver alt. It is normal, if enemy team had some golds, your team was compensated somewhere else with MMR.