Should I turn G Sync on or off?

and what about nvidia reflex? on or on + boost? Thanks for the help!

These are personal preference questions. Try toggling everything to see what you prefer.

what do you recommend for the best performance that’s all I’m looking for.

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It depends on your setup, what settings you have for all of your graphics, the profile you’re using on the GPU drivers, etc. That’s why I said just toggle them and try them out. :slight_smile:

Look up battle nonsense on youtube and watch his vids. It really goes into the weeds on these sorts of settings and he does very in depth testing. You will be a pro at understanding exactly what works best for you by the end.

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You should turn reflex on, but its your preference if you would like gsync on. It basically eliminates frame tears with some cost of input lag (smaller than vsync)

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