Should D.Va be nerfed a little bit more?

Still feel like sha has way to much movement as a tank, while doing a good chunk of dmg.
How about her flight gets cooldown increased to 7 or 8 secs

Nah I think she is good


feels good from both side


Yeah let’s ruin Tanks even more when Brig dominates every single of them 1vs1.


i think shes good too but her mobility, to peel, run away, finish kils is iffy sometimes

I do agree that she need a little bit more.

Sometimes. Not all the time. There’s plenty of ways to disable her from doing that effectively. Her damage is negligible unless she can get close.

She is already out of the meta, whats the point. Im not a fan of dva, but nerfing any of the main dive heroes is pointless since they are all in a bad spot now.


Sure why not. Dva always needs to be nerfed, because no matter how many she gets, she still does something that’s annoying to someone.

I think she should be stationary and only able to spin around in circles and wave at everyone.


How about no. Her only movement is her rockets and at that its not “too much”, you will never see a dva consistantly in the air or flying around. Not to mention just because shes in the tank catagory doesnt mean she needs as much mobility as Roadhog. Her only good chunk of damage is up close or with her rockets if you dont dodge them which is my her rockets are such a huge part of her kit and really dont make her op.

Naw, shes still able to substitute for any off-tank, but now she’s not as good as them in their home comps, maps, etc. The meta shift hit D.VA just right. Ideal balance :ok_hand:

True, honestly just make it so when she pops out of meka she shoots herself in the foot so you dont need to aim to kill her tiny 150 hp no ability havn’ self. isn’t OP, the other tanks are just UP. Other tanks should be like (flexible), not the other way around.

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That’s what I’m talking about. D.VA is perfect right now, don’t fix what isn’t broken.

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Also, Dva mains should have to pay insurance premiums everytime they lose the meka. Start with a 1000 credit duductable… then you have to sit on the phone with Blizzard customer service for at least an hour after every demech to get an adjuster to tell you what your new premium is.

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To be honest i feel if they nerf her movement more i feel like that will bit too much, she doesnt have much for her ever since missiles and DM been nerfed, her booster is the best thing she has left that werent really nerfed that much and if they nerf her movement by nerfing boosters it will make her more vulnerable

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She’s fine. Her counters got buffed and she doesn’t really seem to have a place in the meta other than the role of punching bag.

I don’t know honesty.

if they nerf her as long as they dont ruin her and over nerf her

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Yeah… a way I can see how they can nerf her without destroying her is by reducing the overall speed and distance if she choose to Boost and Shoot at the same time.

I don’t know.:sweat_smile:

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