Should armor make heroes heavier?

And by heavier i mean more resistant to knockbacks.
Almost every tank have it (for hog and Zarya i think it should simply be added to bubble\take a breather) and since Brig the only one now who can provide it she won’t such a CC pain but more of a helper against it.

That would kill the dva bomb jump tech hog has, and would also ruin the unique skill orisa posses. But I’ll agree the amount of forced movement is getting really annoying.


Lol i didn’t say it will make them completly immune just more harder to move and it won’t block stuns, Orisa will still be only one who can completle ignore both stuns and knockbacks plus half of her health is armor so i think she will feel that change more than anyone else.

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Imagine everyone on the team is moving slower because they all got 100 armor from Rally.

But hey, it will also be the AOE CC resistance everyone is begging for.

I didn’t say they become slower : I

Well I just open my eyes, so there will be some misunderstanding now and then.

I do not believe it should. It just introduces a weird inconsistency to certain abilities and overcomplicates the game. One of the major aspects of Overwatch’s abilities is consistency, and it’s important as hell. Deflect reflects EVERY projectile. Fortify ignores ALL CC. Soundwave knocks everyone back the same distance. And so on.

Like what, am I meant to do a bunch of physics equations in my head to figure out how far my knockback will send a Reinhardt? It’s just weird.

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ah ok then.
That damn planet can’t even sync time for everyone : D

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Right now, Orisa and D.Va both get this soft knockback resistance while shooting. This is because they both have a movement penalty while shooting. It’s apparently a bug, but I really want it to be a feature.

I want them to leave that on those 2 heroes and add it to Reinhardt while shielding. I wouldn’t mind it being added to Hog while using take-a-breather. I’m pretty sure a bubbled Zarya is already immune to knockback.

I don’t know if we need to use armor as an excuse though. It doesn’t have to make sense.


From boops like Lucio and Phara yes, from punches and hammer swings nope.

Wait that’s a bug? ok

I remember reading on the forums a developer post saying it was a bug. I’ll see if I can find the post, but it has been a while so I might not be able to locate it.

I truly wish this was a feature though. I would hate that bug to be “fixed” personally. I kinda want to introduce that bug to Reinhardt and Roadhog too. :slight_smile:

Considering that knockback and CC is the counter to dive tanks so no.

this aint it cheif

I found the post. It was a Doomfist bug report post.

“Currently on our list to fix”, how long has it been on their list? :joy:

That post was March 26th, so quite a long time. May it forever remain on the list because I don’t want them to fix it.


Like with every other Rein, Doomfist and Sombra etc bugs.

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Spooky posts during spooktober :scream:

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