Shorter DPS queues: Here is how

In code? Yes, but thats a developer’s work. That doesn’t make the queues longer at all.

Should work via trigger. X role queues go longer than “factor”, then Quest goes active, etc. A very basic monitoring can do that. They are already monitoring the queue times anyway.

The thing is, it only has positives :
1 - Nobody uses it or quest is not active, nothing happens.
2 - Some DPS use the quest, there are less DPS in queue, queues shorten (for all DPS, for others the time is even more reduced).

Who is losing with this? Why is it not good for everyone?

I’ve been saying something similar for awhile but your system needs a few adjustments.

The first is that it should be win one game as either tank or support to get high priority because anything above one is not necessary and would discourage people because it would take longer.

The second is that the system should be one that escalates. Meaning someone who has won 2 games as tank/support without playing dps will have higher priority than someone with 1 win. This is fair and further incentivizes what we want.

The optional thing you mentioned should not be done because if you place a limit then it kills the system because once people are done using their tickets then the dps q will become clogged again

We want this to be a cycle that keeps going people must be able to use this system infinitely so that there will always be a lot of players playing tank/support who would otherwise be q’ing dps if their tickets ran out for the day.

It will work, because there is sufficient incentive to win not just play the games. If you throw or don’t try you are going to lose which defeats the purpose of using this system in the first place.

If dps players are willing to q for tank/support it is with the intent to try their best to win because they know that’s the only way to get what they really want.

I think the issue with a priority queue is that for you to be prioritized, someone else has to be deprioritized. Blizzard can’t fabricate a faster queue time out of thin air, so the only way to expedite your queue is to give you someone else’s slot, right?

Someone can correct me if I’m mistaken, but the way I see it queue times are merely a byproduct of existing factors like matches available, ping, SR, MMR, etc. To create generally faster queue times, Blizzard would have to adjust the matchmaking itself, thereby adjusting the queue time byproduct.

problem with your high priority queue is there is only one person in your queue, and you can’t get on the ride until the other 5 people are ready.

I dont understand what you mean with “one person in your queue”.
Also while someone is trying to get that ticket, that someone is making the queues shorter for the other DPS on queue.

Its a Win-Win scenario mate.

it’s your own personal queue, the match maker is trying to find 12 players of the same level of “skill” you can’t really have priority when the match maker is tailoring a game for your own personal level. the only way you could queue jump is if you had the exact same statistics, ping, hero pool, as the player you are jumping in front of and it would be 1 in 1,000,000 that would be the case.

Game didn’t need a queue to begin with…there was already LFG…they couldve worked on improving it…now you’re stuck with this mess…

Plus forming a group and communicating strategy and adapting to what you and enemy hav is all part of getting better at the game…it’s not like people weren’t climbing without a queue before…

A lot of the need for a queue came from some sense of an unfair playing field that just didn’t exist…everyone went through same conditions…and those that put in the effort (and again LFG did exist) saw the best results…simple harsh reality…

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“I’m only playing tank/healer so I can play dps”

  1. Develop a well-rounded clan system to the game,
  2. Comp is now playable only as a 6-stack,
  3. Remove roleQ,
  4. Profit.

Oh no no, you misunderstood.
Its not a different queue, its the same queue, but if you own a ticket, your spot goes on a “top” part of the current waiting list. Its explained below.

Dude … its on the OP. You need to WIN those matches to count. Playing Tank/healer and throwing or not winning the match, will do nothing. You will gain nothing.

Also nowadays we have full nuts DPS playing on Feeding tank/JJonak Healer anyways.