Shoot tree of life. Shoot tree of life. Shoot tree of life

Please I’m begging you people. I shoot 1 clip into tree of life, the other dps shoots another clip, the rest of the team does some chip damage, and bam the thing is gone in under 5 seconds. Instead you all shoot people for 15 seconds and none of them die because the tree is healing them


Shooting a tree is not a particularly effective method of cutting it down.


I say mean things to it. I can’t say it’s been very effective.


I use a lazer or molten bolts from my shotgun. Its also a good time for Venture to Ulti. It does good damage against tree and can burst through the healing. Also forces enemies into cover. Not even ultimate exchange needs to result in picks. Sometimes you just need to find a better advantage and force enemies into a worse state that will eventually lead towards a team kill.

it was cool when sombra could destroy it with EMP

guess that was too op… and yea he was a battlepas hero?

I’ve heard they are still shooting it, LW is a nice character, you know.

It’s frustrating trying to ping a tree as you shoot into it only for the rest of your team to ignore it.

I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees.
Do not shoot my tree please.


Hold the payload!
Hold the payload!
Hod da payload!
Hod da load!


a story of tragedy, but he did indeed hold that payload…

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depends on the comp usually, like if i have hog ult up then i focus the tree cause it dies super quickly but if im like junk then i can just burst down the squishies faster than it would take to hit the tree but still shoot the tree if the squishies are hiding, some characters like widow or winston will almost never do significant damage to the tree, winston cant kill anyone in tree anyways so hes best off just protecting himself or his team or getting ult charge while tree is up

your IQ lvl in ow is like 1000.

looks like someone knows how to play the damn game hahahahah.
I agree with you sometimes you get teams as dumb as blizzard

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As a Junkrat player, I massacre trees. 'cause the squishies hide.

You can have teammates who shoot Tree when I get teammates who shoot Illari pylon.

Right out in the middle of the point on Numbani A, in plain view? Ignored.

Seriously, people who play this game tunnel vision SO. HARD. It’s depressing.


me with winston bubble

And a pre-fight Bob.

Ana anti or JQ ult is more effective in this case to win the fight.