In bronze and silver, teams often select Bastian which melts shields and mows down unskilled players. Bastian can roll through teams without any true skill and it’s only affecting players at lower elos. You should consider a Bastian nerf if you’re nerfing shields and immortality. It forces players to actually learn other characters and play with skill.
Considering your elo, you should learn how to counter bastion instead of demanding nerfs to an already struggling character.
There’s your problem. The game shouldn’t be balanced around low elos.
It should be balanced around pros and Top 500s while keeping lower elos in mind.
“Laughs in pure insanity”
Bastion still has terrible stats in low ranks btw so at this point I think you’re just wrong objectively OP.
Also the game shouldn’t be balanced around players who won’t counter it. Not only is he not a problem in low ranks, he’s easier to deal with as you go up. If people can’t handle that then maybe that’s a problem with them.
We’re actually out here asking for Bastion nerfs in 2020
Shoot me.
You answered your own question. The problem is not Bastion, it’s the players.
“But i should always win when facing a Bastion because… because!!”
Bastion comps are generally make or break. They either work extremely well, or they crash and burn. Hard.
As a support, it’ll be harder for you to have a direct effect against this type of comp, but you can still have huge impact through shotcalling. If you didn’t know, shotcalling is the best way to climb with tank and support. If you can develop your game sense really well, you don’t need insane mechanics.
The problems in bronze and silver generally tend to be lots of things. Coordination, game sense, mechanics, the whole deal. But, there are a couple of heroes you can solo carry with along with attempting to direct your team.
Against a bastion comp, an Ana can be very good if you can land her sleep and nades on the enemy team at opportune times.
A Baptiste can also do a lot with his immortality field, aoe heals, and damage output, along with his window to output massive damage from your entire team. Make sure the immortality field is behind a corner though.
Zenyatta is probably the last hero that can somewhat carry. You’ll need good mechanics, but a discord orb is also huge for your team if you can get the coordination. Make sure to call it out.
Historically, dive (Genji, Tracer, Sombra, Winston, Dva, Wrecking Ball, etc) has worked well against bastion comps, but the introduction of Baptiste has made that a bit more difficult. All the same it could still work if you can coordinate (ask if they’re ready to jump on them, then count down go in. Call targets. Bastion first, if there’s an immortality then kill it. Focus the Bastion, then go for the healers. The other DPS might be an easy kill as well, then you can go for the tanks.)
Other heroes that generally work well against bastion that you could try suggesting to your team:
Reaper (teleport behind, look to quickly kill the bastion in his critical spot)
Mei (Use the wall under the bastion to push him above the shields and try to focus him down)
Pharah (might require a Mercy pocket)
Junkrat (A little bit more difficult against double shield but can focus the bastion down very quick)
Roadhog (can flank and hook the bastion out of position)
The other somewhat reliable is to fan out and play around corners extremely well, trying to surround their team from multiple angles. The weakness of bastion comps is that they don’t move very easily. If you can surround the bastion without dying, they’ll have a hard time focusing down a single target before the bastion dies (if you all chose the right targets). This does require a better positioning and knowledge of when to engage.
But yea. Overall there’s not much else you can do on support other than carry with certain heroes and try and guide your team to victory. If you want to work on it, I’d suggest watching some coaching videos about shot calling and tanking down bastion comps. There’s a good amount out there. You can also watch certain twitch streamers to get their input (ItsTryhard, KarQ, Jayne, etc.) ML7 would be especially good for this since he is an actual support player.
I feel you, but you gotta learn.
Good luck
Why learn when you can whine and get the hero destroyed by the dev team for you?
OP is right though. Bastion’s design is bad and it is for the reason OP stated. And i can guarantee that even gold and platinum players struggle against bastion.
But i guess you are right and everyone else is wrong
Bastion’s design is fine, he just has a tickle gun and every conceivable disadvantage at the same time.
In theory he is fine, but if you stack shied upon shield in front of him, it becomes difficult for low elo players to win against him and i’d argue it’s not completely their fault if they can’t counter it. (and that’s the reason why bastion personal shield got removed)
Imagine trying to have even a little bit of coordination in bronze, silver and low gold where you are lucky if people enter voice chat.
To me, win or lose, when i see a bastion team comp it just is laughable. I can’t understand how you can accept in your head to win with such a comp. It’s just not fun …
With all due respect my guy, you could at least offer something constructive. All criticism is valid based on the different experiences players have whether it’s bronze or GM.
Bastion can be difficult to deal with even at Masters and GM, and that’s because his design is somewhat flawed, similar to heroes like Reaper, Mei, Orisa, Moira, etc.
The issue with the current meta is that these low skill floor heroes such as Reaper, Mei, Doomfist, Bastion, and to an extant Orisa, is that they’re so powerful right now that they dominate even the high skill ceiling heroes.
This was not the reason the shield was removed. Claiming so is incorrect.
It was removed in the beta before the official release, because it had 1000 HP.
Bastion (With a team) Is hard to counter for that very reason.
The team has to work against it, which is called “Team play”
Sorry, after partaking in 20k posts about the same topic and having them go unnoticed, it’s hard to even address for me.
Bastion is not held back because he’s somehow strong in low elo, he’s held back because players refuse to learn.
He shows his strengths in lower elo, because those players will run directly into him and try the same strategy time and time again, no matter how often it doesn’t work.
Right but by nerfing him, you force players to get better.
I don’t have an issue because I don’t see Bastian above silver but if ow wants to stop people from quitting the game (and get better), it’d be more fun if they can actually learn how to play other hero’s.
Just a suggestion, doesn’t affect my game play either way.
Who is this Mr. Bastian you’re talking about?
This is exactly why Bastion design is bad and that’s what i’m trying to say. You can’t buff him and you can’t nerf him without making him too powerful in lower elo or too weak in higher ones.
And it’s not because people refuse to learn. You don’t learn to play in a week or two. Some people will never learn and that’s why they are comfortable in whatever rank they are
They’ll never learn if they realize that Bastian wins every comp match. It just becomes the battle of the Bastians which is boring.