Shield bash change is good!...but isn't enough

" Hey brigitte got nerfed again but this isnt enough because she wouldnt be useless jet so plz remove her strongest Ability so she cant do anything anymore "

this is all i was reading for sure the Brigitte hater never gets ready until Blizzard nerf her to trash tier


She’ll be trash tier eventually, not with this nerf. (I suspect we’re in for the long haul of nerfs before people will be satisfied. This post is evident of that.)

When she does become trash tier, people will still find something to complain about her and ask for more nerfs.


I was just voicing some opinions my man I’m sorry if i tilted you. that was not my intent I just to get a discussion going

I mean… A thread asking for more nerfs to a character when she’s been nerfed every patch and she’s going to receive even more nerfs. If i had to guess, the one being triggered is you by Brigitte when you feel the need to ask for even more nerfs, i would bet she tortured really hard in some of your last matches.

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im a girl now im triggered. My Hamster Army is ready for you :hamster::hamster::hamster::hamster::hamster::hamster::hamster::hamster::hamster::hamster::hamster: ( ok some of my Hamsters sleeps sadly but they will be here too )

But anyways ur opinion is just the same opinion like any other Brigitte Hater most of them want to see her stun removed but it doesnt make any sense because it would ruin her kit and her gameplay to hard counter dive and flankers so it is a extreme nerf that would make her useless. Brigitte is fine and doesnt need any more nerfs and we already didnt know how strong she would be after her PTR nerf just wait


I think it would be better if it was a 1 second lock on mobility skills.

🛡️ [Brig] Replace Stun with Dizziness

[X] Doubt


I think stuns are inherently unfun.

But at least with Mei, McCree, Ana, Hog they involve a certain amount of skill, risk, and counterplay. So at least those feel fair.

But if you combine something that’s unfun, and balance it so that it also feels unfair.

That’s a problem.

I think adding this to the slow would be maybe even better then my idea cause it would help counter dive without making her outright stun opponents

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen people say to do a mobility skill lock, and a slow.

But what would you say is the purpose of that slow?

Brig can already connect her flail+whip pretty easy on a hero with no mobility skills.

Brigitte annoys me far less than getting stunned around corners by McCree or slowed and frozen by Mei

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No doubt. I understand those are unfun.
Which is why I’m perfectly fine with Mei (Or Roadhog) being less than meta.

But would you argue those heroes are unfair?
Something like this would be ideal. Just… lock mobility for a second followed by a 6s slow.

Not any less unfair than Brigitte. I don’t really have all that much trouble dealing with Brigitte. Mei just makes me want to stop playing.


But what’s the purpose of the slow?

Way I see it, all Brig really needs is just enough of a timeframe to do a Bash, Swing, Whip combo, without heroes warping away from her.

Is it possible that you’re considering Brig’s impact without teammate coordination?

Since I would imagine it’s much less of an issue in quickplay than comp.

I don’t really have much more issue with her in comp, either. I usually just wait for her to stun Rein and then bubble him. It’s pretty obvious when she’s going to do it, and it almost always results in a free 40 energy.

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That way Genji in particular can’t stall the ability with deflect and heroes with mobility would be forced into retreating during the slow debuff. Imagine a Winston or Dva getting hit by the slow debuff in the open. That way Brig can counter mobility while not completely shutting down immobile heroes such as Reaper. Immobile heroes have plenty of defensive abilities that would allow them to stay in the fight. Such as Reaper’s WF, Zarya’s bubble or Mei’s cryo.

If it doesn’t stun, she’s going to receive heavy punishment. She won’t be able to stuncancel ults or key abilities. This way she’ll be more specialized at fighting mobility while being weaker to normal heroes.

The nerfs will never be enough for some people. Especially if they make threads with titles like this.

What would you propose i change it to