Shatter's Cast-Time

No the values on the Wiki predate workshop. Someone doing a timer test on EMP is how they found out the Wiki was wrong about it.


not sure, but i’m pretty sure if you use charge and cancel into shatter it’s halved the casting time for shatter.

Slightly related question: Do any of you know of an online calculator to convert milliseconds into units of 1/60 seconds? I come from fighting games and that’s the easiest way for me to understand measurements of videogame time.

I don’t even know what unit of measurement that is, do you have an example.

That would be nice to know, It’s not instant though because it gives me a chance to fade from it if I’m quick enough.

It’s presumably .6 seconds

They’re referring to frames, since fighting games are generally standardized at 60 fps and animations can be measured in frame counts.

In fighting games, they use frames as units of measurement because each move requires a specific number of frames.

1/60 is the base unit for a frame.

I think


I see. I thought that may be it because when I tried to google it for him, they discussed that and also how frames are non-standard unit of time. So I wasn’t sure if that was it, or if I had found the wrong thing.

Thanks for the info.

Good to know. I am casual to the extreme with fighting games so I wasn’t sure. I have never read a Wiki for one.

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Or shoot down Rein if everyone’s focused on him.

Or sleep/stun him which is the usual answer.

I don’t play fighting games, because I’m a filthy button masher, but I enjoy watching it.

I learned about frames from casters comparing different moves, including number of frames to complete.

Back on track, this is only from experience so I can’t be sure but it feels like from the start of the ult voiceline and the actual shatter takes .5 seconds.

With Moira I usually have enough time to fade away from shatter when I hear the voiceline. It’s almost automatic to mash fade when I hear rein.

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Fighting games typically run at 60 fps and time is measured in frames a.k.a. one 60th of a second. So for example someone would say that Doom’s uppercut hits on the 3rd frame.

This is the best online explanation I know of.

You know I get the feeling it’s not .6 seconds. I think it’s probably like .5 or something. It’s not so fast you can’t react 1000%, but I have a hunch it’s not .6 seconds. That seems long

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Did this a while ago but I don’t think any of the casttimes changed in the meantime.

Sigma isn’t on it but thats all that is missing I think.

Edit: as I just noticed alot of the Heroes wiki pages have been adjusted in the meantime.

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unless fade is on CD, I usually have no trouble reacting to shatter.

Even before Rein finishes saying ‘Hammer’ (because he takes a long time to say a 2 syllable word), I’ve faded into safety.

.6 is a long time, but it’s hard to tell exactly how long it takes.

Remember though that cast time is tied to animation, like Lucio’s beat. Shatter is used when Rein’s hammer actually hits the ground.

So if he uses it on an incline it would finish faster because his hammer will hit ground sooner, and vice versa on decline plane. This could be a difference of .2 seconds.

This was precisely what I was looking for! You’re amazing. Thanks!

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Due to the lack of apostrophe in ‘shatters’ I read this as someone using the toilet before I realized you meant Earthshatter lmaoooo.

I was like well that can take a while, it depends!



I enjoy good feces puns, and this is a good one :joy: :rofl:

My ‘shatter’ is instant and stuns the bowl.

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Part of me wants to fix my error so it doesn’t read this way, and another part of me wants doesn’t want to fix it so it does read that way. LOL


Ok so I did my test on reinhardt
shatter has 3 different values for cast time
(yes I know what? three values one of them is a bug thats kinda rare and doesnt help reinhardt)
the average constant I got is 0.4485 seconds
on normal conditions
(no abilities were used before)
With usage of firestrike or swing the average constant was 0.4505 seconds
With charge being used before its 0.4401 seconds depending on the slop I think? (this is the glitches one as I always got 0.4501 to 0.4505 but sometimes I would get 0.4350 to .4401and idky or how to get that number constantly. it seems random and thats to be expected)