Share Your Story

If there is anyone out in this forum who feels like Overwatch or something related to it has helped them; I want to hear your story. There have been a lot of ups and downs for pro players in the scene, so chances are that more people have had their lives affected by this game.
I don’t want to force you to share, but I feel like it would sort of help make this game and this community seem more real, and down to earth.

I can start;
2 years ago, I was extremely depressed, almost to the point of doing something drastic to myself. I know it sounds weird but it was Overwatch that kind of kept me from doing anything too stupid. I went on like that for a year, and now I can see how much the people in the community helped me, and how the game itself helped me.
I don’t want to force anyone to go out of their comfort zones, but I feel like this could be a sort of safe place for people to come and sort of justify their struggles.

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My story is how I leave any paris match I join, which is pretty heroic


Mostly downs.

This game helped me because I wanted Valve to take note. Especially for the random crits they idiotically decided to include. Overwatch was balanced from the start.

Now? 90% of the game is gone.

alas its true. i miss the good ol chaotic fun rather than worry about an immortality field being up or having to fight off another shield