Shameless bahavior

The loss of the Chinese market has put Blizzard in an embarrassing situation, and now they are trying everything to promote their game everywhere they can to attract new players. Despite being a free game, their strategy seems to be driven by greed and only GREED, as they appear to prioritize making money over caring for their players. SHAMELESS :rofl:


I used to respect Blizzard. Almost religiously.

…They literally had to do this for the Microsoft acquisition lol.

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I don’t understand, are you saying Blizzard should stop trying to attract new players? It’s “shameful” to want your game to be as successful as possible?

By spiting in the faces of existing players? Surely that will attract new players.

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Blizzard should focus on fixing the game, their false promises, then attract new players not the other way around. Otherwise everything is useless because as soon as new players come they will leave, but the sad part is blizzard don’t want them to stay but spend money, short term thinking. :clown_face:

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This wasn’t Blizzard’s decision it was Microsoft who made this decision in order to appease regulators!


Blizzard as a company has 1 job - to make money. As part of that they need to attract players. Saying they are mutually exclusive shows a bit of a lack of understanding on how the gaming industry (in fact, any public company) works.

No players, no money. So how can they both be ignoring the needs of players (getting no new players and losing them) and only be interested in making money? You make no sense.

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The game isn’t broken (it’s one of the most polished GaaS FPS out there) and I haven’t seen a knowingly false promise made. These are non issues. Regardless, none of those answers my questions even if we suppose they were correct.

New players are essential to live service games.

Your game needs to be successful to warrant continued development and support.

Poor take.

They are having to do it to appease the UKs CMA in order to get the merger completed.

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Just a coincidence, I’m sure. Funny all the same, especially when similar accounts keep popping up in the threads.

Not sure what you are trying to say. He is not even talking about the same thing in that thread.

I said what I said, it was a funny coincidence. It made me smile.
