Shadder2k's description of Brigitte is perfect

honestly I feel like you just typed a lot and said absolutely nothing at all with a bunch of buzzwords in between (oppressive, toning, re-tune) so my reply is simple bro, I don’t care.

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It is when they keep crying wolf, and cry wolf Emongg did over Sombra.

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Maybe not, but from what I have seen so far not one has suggested otherwise.

Why is this a perfect description? Literally the entire quote is wrong. She’s definitely not a DPS, she certainly does not have all the advantages of tanks and supports (low total healing and almost no team-wide tank functionality with her tiny shield), and she has tons of disadvantages compared to others like the fact that she’s almost entirely melee range, and is vulnerable to heroes that even Reinhardt is not.

She’s at best describable as a “jack of all trades, master of none.”

I would absolutely love to hear someone say they’re going DPS Brigitte, lol.

English isn’t his 1st language, I don’t think he means she is the best at all of them. I think he was suggesting what you say. She is the best at all in a rounded way.
As in jack of all trades, no real weakness.
He just got his structure a little off.

Baguette is balanced. - Low Ranks


.So far as in today?

Except from being engaged at range or attacked from high ground.

For the record, I was miserable being stuck as a tank main for 4 seasons because Dive comp meta :clap: would :clap: just :clap: not :clap: die.

I, for one, welcome Brigitte.

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Since release on streams, and comments from pro’s who have been scrimming with her before she released. Which is a lot

Seriously this times 100. Dive has long since stayed past its welcome.

This feels a lot like Sombra hysteria.


While I agree with this, I think it is pretty clear that people are going to kick and scream until the offending heroes are nerfed to the point that dive is back by default.

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But she does have weaknesses. The biggest one being that she’s utterly useless if the enemy is standing more than 20 feet away.

If she isn’t actively up close and 1v1’ing heroes she basically has almost no value for her team. She doesn’t deal much damage outside her combo (which uses two cooldowns and requires melee range). Her shield does not give any protection to allies outside of some corner cases. She doesn’t have much sustaining heal power (certainly far worse than other supports). Her real value comes from deterring certain enemy comps, and that’s about it. She’s easily countered by any amount of burst damage or range.

I just stopped playing tanks lol

I mean, all that and just using high ground makes her useless.


You have to consider though, pro’s know this, they build around it.

They are more than happy to stand behind a Rein with their Brigitte while the enemy stands far enough away to let them play the objective.

The enemy are forced into team-fights and at that point, they are saying she becomes a near must pick.

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Than they should roll Bastion, shred the shield in seconds. Brigitte was designed to change the meta, changing it she is. Also you speaking of reinhardt being viable again I’m sure makes reinhardt mains ecstatic.

Also means that when we get the inevitable mirror comp, both Reins are going to have nightmares as she stops them from playing the game :joy:

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So the same problem dive has had?