Sexist harassment

That doesn’t really make sense to begin with, but go on to Reddit and every day people will repost pictures they found on the internet of things like “their” pets or places they’ve been that they actually have nothing to do with. It happens with insane frequency and these people really have nothing to gain for it other than useless internet points. I think you want a sense of control over people. Your story is ridiculous.

You never speak or interact, but randomly a group of people harass you based on nothing other than your gender over the course of multiple games. At the very least you’re not being near completely honest if this is happening at all. Now I really am out. I’m not wasting anymore time on this.

That’s true. But I find that the best tactic was what I saw someone do back in UseNet newsgroups in the late 90’s. Give them the last word, and tell them that you’re doing it. Then just move on. It puts them in a box and confuses the hell out of them. That argument was supposed to be their evening’s entertainment, and now it’s over after three rounds of exchange.

Anyway, enough of that. I’ll do my part in not derailing your thread. I hope you’re able to come to a resolution for your problem in-game. We’re all here to have a good time, and people who make it their purpose to take that away from others are just the worst.


Yeah, some people troll, that’s what they’re doing to me. It’s sad but it happens. Buh-bye!

I’ll just keep playing and hopefully Blizz gets back to me one day


It’s kind of disappointing that’s all you can do.


Why is it that every thread you get involved in becomes something wholesome related to animals?

That’s really a blessing to this forums.

I wish I had a puppy. I need something to cuddle while I wait to cuddle my girlfriend qwq


I’ll just try my hardest to win. Maybe one day they’ll get banned


Best you can do rn tbh. Keep reporting those jerks and keep letting support know. They’re bound to see eventually. I wish for many exciting games in the future for you.


Yeah, atleast I barely lose SR in those games too, thank you and to you aswell!


Just an animal lover is all. Nature is just so… um… yes.

I don’t know about calling it a blessing lol.

Puppies are great snuggle buddies. Cats too!


Yeeee. They fluffy.

I like fluffy animals. :slight_smile:


They are indeed fluffy.

I love all animals. :blush:

edit: dang typos strike again

Oooooo have you seen huskies? They’re literally clouds, they’re so floof

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Yeeeeee. Personally, I’m more into Pomeranians, but huskies are so cute.

I also like Penguins. They smol

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Yeah, I would agree that things like that said on Overwatch should constitute as a PERMA BAN from the game. Maybe even going as far as a HARDWARE ban.

They can spend the time trying to figure out how to circumvent it at that point. for that type of disgusting behavior.

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Pomeranians are like, purse huskies ngl. My favorite type of pet are snakes though


Sorry kitten, but blizzard cares more about banning people on the forums for bleeping out the swear word for butt than banning the actual trash in game.



Snakes are so funny looking imo. They are so cute. I love them so much. :slight_smile:

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Block + mute will mostly get rid of jerks, and you can also Avoid as Teammate two of them at a given time.

It doesn’t help that the forums immediately go “nu-uh, minorities aren’t disproportionately harassed in MY game” :confused:

She tried that, but they still throw the game. And, on top of that, this sounds like something that has been happening for a while. Enough that she’s had to avoid them multiple times.

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