Sexist harassment

You shouldn’t have to do that, is their point.


I don’t, and that’s not the point. Why should I keep losing the games they throw just because I’m a girl? I avoid them, it expire, then I get matched with them and I lose a game without reason. I shouldn’t have to reset anything, I should be able to atleast perm avoid if they’re not gonna get banned

… why arent you avoiding them perma everytime you see them? literally explained above how to perma avoid. either use the system in place to counter it or move on.

There is no perm avoid, all avoid expire after a week, that’s literally the problem. After avoiding them last time, it expired and I got them again literally today, and they threw. They should be banned for targeted harassment, but if they’re not, why can’t I perm avoid?
Also I can’t move on if they specifically target me to throw because I’m a girl (well specifically a nonbinary fem but the point still stands)

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I know this isn’t really relevant to the post, but…

My cat is scratching at the other side of the door but it’s pitch black in here and dead silent other than him. It’s kind of terrifying


Ok either get evidence or send it to blizz or change ur name and move on. people deal with this at top 500 all day every day its not new.

I can’t send it because there’s no tickets system. I also did change my name and they still found me. Blizz shouldn’t allow this, stop victim blaming. I’ve done all I can, it’s Blizzard’s turn to help me

Really? This is your counterclaim? Come on, just admit this is a problem and support an actual solution. Is the fact that you said Top 500’s deal with it daily not alarming to you? It’s widespread harrassment.


there is a tickets system… your not a victim if everyone faces the same thing… and blizzard isnt entitled to help you more than anyone else…

No there is no ticket system for sexist, targetted harassment, I just tried it. I am literally a victim of harassment and I deserve some help after all I’ve done has failed. There’s literally a huge issue with minorities in OW facing targetted harassment

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no… there isnt, also women are the majority, and coming from an actual minority there isnt at all any kind of harassment towards them that is “literally a huge issue”. You dont need a special sector for your report if that wasnt obvious, choose the closest one and send it. Youre acting like this is the end of the world when literally you can press 2 buttons a couple of times a week to solve it.

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One of Blizzards core Values are “Play fair”. To be harassed in a game is not playing fair and that needs to be justified.


You literally said top 500 face this all the time, which means harassment is an on going issue. I’m not acting like anything, I’m saying Blizz should ban clear harassment, and they’re not

I don’t think anyone can just harass anyone and get away with it, except maybe on here apparently

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Ok holy cow, I only managed to skim the thread. You’re obviously getting a lot of response over this but I didn’t see this suggestion: Have you thought about joining a clan? That could help you avoid this particular situation and get back to enjoying the game.

I have, but I’m really shy and just wanna play alone with no one bothering me tbh

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You can join me if you like lol

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I appreciate it, but I really just like playing alone

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No problem I just thought to ask cause I don’t even play with anyone or talk. Hopefully your harassment gets sorted though

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Fair, and understandable. There are clans out there that can work with that, but in the end it’s up to you.

I’m going to advertise a bit and say that we’re recruiting right now. We focus on the social experience and have dealt with shy members plenty of times before. In fact the person leading our current recruitment push is herself very shy, and didn’t talk to us in voice for over a year, yet she’s a moderator now.


Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words

Thank you, I’ll consider it