Servers for portuguese and spanish speakers in S.A

I know this doesn’t affect northern hemisphere players, but hear me out (and forgive any grammar mistakes since english isn’t my first language).

At the lauch of OW1, there were different servers for brazillians and spanish speakers in South America. One or two years after launch, all of south america players began to share the same server in Brazil.

These people don’t share a language, and really don’t get along because of that. In a team based game where communication is key, having someone you can’t communicate with becomes a problem, which leads to resentment.

At the lauch of OW2, there were more servers in other regions of the world, but not in South America. I haven’t seen any reason as to why is that so.

This is a request for a new server for spanish speakers in South America, and it’s not the first one. There is another request like this from 2020 that still holds up: The state of Overwatch in South America

Until we have different servers, I won’t bother with voice chat, it’s unnusable as it is, and I know many players feel the same.

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Look, if Europe with its 24 languages can share a server, than SA with its 2 languages can share a server.

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We don’t. We’re just playing side-by-side like a divorced family still living together. The only thing keeping us together is speaking English with heavy accents, but I doubt SA players speak English well enough, from the thread I’m seeing.

A false equivalence. If this is how Blizzard thinks, it explains a lot.

The post I mentioned describes the situation better then I did, it goes beyond the language barrier, and I rather not be repeating it.

S.A doesn’t make enough money for blizzard for them to justify Quality of life improvements for the region.


My point is Blizzard hears ya, Blizzard don’t care. More servers = more money. Splitting playerbase = longer queue times. Bad for all involved.

Bro, i´m from Brazil and i don´t think we are that different from each other here in S.A

Do you see how much cultures there is in Europe? still, they share the same servers

If the British can communicate with Italians, German and French, people talking portuguese and spanish can EASILY communicate

It´s like the first guy said, if we in S.A have our cultural differences (that aren´t that different), imagine the dudes in Europe that are TOTALLY different from each other

The “cultures” has little to do with it.

I can’t count the amount of matches where spanish speakers would call brazillians ‘macacos’ and brazillians would call back ‘boludos’, just to start the xenophobia/racist slurs being thrown around.

Also, it’s really hard to make right calls on the spot when they refuse to speak each other’s languages and rarely speak english at all. I just rather never touch the voice chat. Portuguese and spanish have some vague similarities, but to say people can communicate “easily” is a long stretch.