Server Location - EU - Paris Servers Offline?

Seeing the EU Paris Server Offline. Can only play on Amsterdam.

I wanted to know what happened to the Paris Overwatch servers. We have always played with around 158ms (170) in-game to the EU Paris servers from South Africa.

Amsterdam seems to be the only other location which somehow nets us with 162ms in testing, but in-game we are hitting 195, which is far worse than 170ms.

We noticed no matter what we do, we cannot connect to the Paris Servers, even if we use ExitLag to Paris directly. It does look like the servers are offline or decommissioned.

Are we finally getting better server locations? Or is this just down.

I did run a ping test to the Paris IP and it came back normal (133ms from my location in the U.S.). Since this forum only covers the Americas and Oceania, I recommend asking about it in the EU forum if you continue to experience issues.

Will ask on the EU forum,

Because you can ping the servers but in-game you cannot connect to them at all, nomatter the VPN, Region or location.

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