Server Issues Cont

Today marks the third in a row of awful ping on Consoles. I cannot say if the same is happening for PC, but after scrolling through the Technical Support forums, it seems that for at least four days now there have been myriad server complaints across all platforms in multiple regions of the world. No clue how to contact support for this/get it on IT’s radar to help resolve.

Wifi was checked, as was speed on other devices/apps, and it’s confirmed that my router/connectivity is not the issue.
Ping sitting between 56ms and 68ms, spiking up to 95ms or higher about twice a minute (causing rubber banding, teleporting, temporary freezing, shots not registering or registration delay, animation glitches, sound-cue glitches, etc).
Members on both teams are experiencing weak connection/lag issues simultaneously.
Members on both XBox and PlayStation are experiencing issues.
Members on both teams DC at least once every other game or so.

Does anyone know what we can do to get some direct Tech support? It’s not bothering me that there’s an issue - with a game this big and complex it’s a miracle that it runs beautifully 95% of the time - but I am irritated that there seems to be no acknowledgement from the OW team on any platform that there is a current problem. Not to mention it is absolutely miserable to try and play a fast-paced, accuracy-dependent FPS game that lags all the time.


Yes, it’s happening, no, it’s not you, no, blizzard neither cares not even has direct tech support. been happening to me consistently on PC for about a week. it’s inevitable when a game is dying.


I bet they are downgrading ORD1 to a crappier server.

Update: Played for about fifteen minutes just a bit ago in Custom Games (DMGRE) and it was awful. The huge lag spikes were even more frequent, and the ping rarely got down to 56ms; it was in the 68-77ms range most of the time.

Can confirm, Oce servers are still cooked, im usually sitting around 50 ish ms on PC, and over the last 3-4 days ive been getting placed on Singaporean servers around the 150-200+ MS, does blizzard care? no, will they ever fix their game? no

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Is there a way to tell if you’re on the correct server on console? If so, can you switch servers on PS5? I just want to play the game again…

Yeah this sucks, I’ve been playing Arcade to avoid comp lags (xbox) and it’s recently just affected me, wish they’d fix their servers but they obviously won’t

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I have randomly been kicked from 2 comp games even though my signal was fine. I dont want to be banned for the remainder of the season due to issues within the game itself.

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