Server issues? anyone else?

why only this week have the frames dropped so hard and servers getting buggy?

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Not sure what’s been going on, but my internet has been fine, and I’ve also been having a hard time staying connected to their servers. I’ve also been getting banned for leaving too many matches, even though it’s not my fault it’s happening. Many other people seem to be having my problem too. Ergo, they screwed something up.

Adding to what I have noticed, I get repeated instances where I get a message because it could not retrieve my currency balance from Blizzard and wanted me to restart the game. It seems that whatever is broken may be server related after all, because this would be the second kind of server error that is happening repeatedly all of the sudden in just the last few days.

I assume it has something to do with recent patches, but it also may be an internal Blizzard issue they are keeping us in the dark on.

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Same, but what’s weird with my game is that it almost exclusively lags/gets buggy in competitive matches. Not Qp or other modes. I am getting tired of Blizzard not caring for their devs which, in turn, cause the game to be neglected and has enough bugs to make the game unplayable at times. They keep getting money from players, but in terms of bug correction and optimisation it’s as if the more they update, the less they correct bugs. In fact, it tends to get more bugs the more they update. It’s sad.

Agreed. It is pathetic honestly. I sympathize with the devs, it can’t be an easy choice feeling forced to make compromises that shouldn’t be made, for a product and community they seem truly passionate about, because of corporate greed and incompetence. Me personally though, I would rather quit my job than enable the executives at Blizzard to keep lining their pockets while they won’t even do the bare minimum to reciprocate the loyalty their players have shown to them. I’d imagine they are also overworked and underpaid for what they do. Working for Blizzard seems like a bad gig all-around from the things you hear.

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