Seriously, Reaper rework when?

No new information since it was announced around the same time as Hog, Ball, Cassidy, Pharah, and Sombra, yet all of them have received reworks since then, Sombra actually has gotten 2 or 3 since then.

Season 13 comes around and his passive is apparently too strong with thanks to the 50hp he got, but really, I’m sure it was actually the bullet/ projectile size buffs and his spread reduction and you just didn’t want to admit what you thought was a mistake. After all, bigger pellets + tighter spread = more shots hit = more damage = more life steal. He’s proportionally weaker since he requires a minimum of 50% extra ammo consumption to kill a target (106 per body shot), but if he’s hitting more pellets, his average damage per shot is going up too.

Season 14 comes and, for better or worse, almost everyone gets size reductions, meaning he’s hitting slightly less than before, and the DPS passive gets buffed again. You know… The role passive that literally counters his own? Even if it’s only 2 characters at a time, he’s literally the only character who’s passive is countered by an entire roll.

If he’s not getting reworked, it would take seconds to say so. It shouldn’t take 10 months to say “we’re working on it”.


they dont give a crap about reaper players.


At this point I’m inclined to agree.

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Bro they’ve hinted towards a Reaper rework for years. They flat out do not care and this patch has made if clear

I don’t know about years, the earliest mention from them I know of was like February this year or last year, but still inclined to agree with you. I’m sorry, but unless the supposed rework is them making a second version of him to replace the current one (literally second version and not a rework, but replacement using nothing more than his lines and model), there’s no reason why we’re still waiting.

The closest they could give to an explanation at this point would be them giving him so many indirect nerfs that he can no longer operate, and by that point, it would probably make more sense to start undoing some of the direct nerfs he’s gotten. Several of which I’m sure has justifications that are no longer valid.

If I’m correct it was first mentioned by a dev around mid season 8. You know, when mauga was released. You’d think they would of gave it to him with the mythic to try and juice more money but I guess not.

But that would only make sense. And as I always say, it’s 2024, if it makes sense, no one will do it.

I’m sorry, did you miss it when they reduced his shadow step cast time from 1.5 to 1.2 seconds and reduced his weapon spread by 0.5 degrees? They remade the character from the ground up!

(/s if it’s not clear)

:scream:… Oh my God… You’re right! He’s the best (non)tank buster/ flanker ever!

Also a joke.

They don’t give a crap about a lot of players.
Sym players.
Venture players.
Illari players.


The fact that it hasn’t gotten confirmed or shut down means its probably still “in the works”

and by "in the works’ I mean, Alec probably brings it up once every other month during a meeting.

But yeah he was suspiciously good during his mythic season and how has gotten 2 nerfs to his passive so he’s gonna be weaker now maybe they’ll talk about it but probably not because this isnt 2016-blizzard.

I don’t know why we need a reaper rework.

Maybe a tweak here and there, but he’s fine.

Many reasons.

Because Reaper at his core is too simple, with not enough to master in his kit. Also no poke dmg and an empty right click slot. Zero team utility, no damaging abilities.

He’s very easy to make overpowered or awful because of that simplicity.

Reaper’s a noobstomper usually, so he suffers at higher ranks often. But they cannot buff him with enough impact without making him a menace to lower skill players.

Also because he’s outdated, shadowstep is terrible, his kit is clunky and never meshed with 5v5.

Reaper is also very contradictory
-Flanker who’s loud
-TELEPORT that’s slow
-His role passive counters his passive
-“Escape” ability that’s very slow
Dev’s can never decide on his role, dueler, frontliner, flanker, not tank buster anymore thats for sure.

Aaaaaanndddd majority of the time a DPS player can be more effective with another hero for the same amount of effort and skill.

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They don’t even need to do a whole lot to him. Just one of the following would do wonders for him:

  • A weak, melee ranged DOT in Wraith that heals him for the full amount. Like 5-10 damage tops.
  • Significantly reduced gravity in Wraith.
  • An alt fire, even a slug on CD would work just fine for like 50 damage. Every other flanker has a means of pursuing the target even if not all of them can reach high ground. He however would need to sacrifice his escape or positioning tool to do so.
  • A short ranged AOE around him for 50 tops.
  • Or let him focus DB into a cone in front of him for increased range and damage.

But instead, it feels like they’re making a new Reaper to swap out for this one rather than reworking him.

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Ok so are we talking rework or REWORK. Because that term gets thrown around a lot.

Adding something to right click is technically a rework but at the same time, they did the same thing for Winston and honestly it was more of a QOL change than a rework.

I don’t think every hero needs a million different buttons to push for them to work. Having simpler heroes is perfectly fine.

I actually prefer him in 5v5. in 6v6 he was so easily shut down, especially during his ult. He has more play making opportunities now than he did before with one less tank to contend with.

Giving reaper range entirely removes his identity as a barrel stuffing flanker/brawler. I think giving all heroes long range abilities is a mistake. Rather improve the tools used to close the distance. This can be done without the need for a rework.

Reaper can be a flanker, dueler, frontliner and tank buster all on the same patch, it’s heavily dependent on what team comps are being played. Playing into double sniper? Flanker. Brawl? frontliner/tankbuster. Dive? frontliner/duelist/backline peel.

He actually can be played in more ways than some other point and shoot heroes can. Playing reaper well is game sense heavy more so than mechanically difficult.

The Devs have been pretty liberal with the term rework, including everything from Doomfist to Winston.

Certain heroes will always be pubstompers. That’s just the nature of the game.

I dunno he’s performing fine. Does he really even need it anymore?

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Reaper and Bastion two ones which scare bronze ranks, and becoming useless on higher ones. Bastion need pocket support to be effective, Reaper need to play as sneaky flanker to be succesful. But in TOP-500 still more pickable then Bastion, don’t need pocket support and has better ult than Artillery strike. But I have suggestions, that Bastion’s silent rework is coming. Check my post: Is Bastion's rework really coming? - #6 by Savox-21912

My suggestion, reducing shadow step animation, making it more quick

Yes but there’s Soldier & Tracer simple, and Reaper simple.

This is pretty subjective tbh. Yeah stuns rekt him but also blossom killed faster in ow1 and he had better dmg.

Thats a fair point you made however, every other shotgun hero has some kind of ranged attack, or their ability to close the gap also deals some kind of damage. (except hazard maybe? i havent played since his release but i think he has a shogun so idk) and it doesnt have to be super long range it could be more like hog’s

When I’m talking rework im talking… More Pharah, less Sombra/Sym. But I do believe shadowstep needs to be replaced, wraith should be more mobile to compensate, right click gets filled with long range and/or utiliy (smoke bombs blizz plz), and blossom needs to be cancellable at the very least.

Yeah, hazard has a shotgun as well as a means of closing the gap and blocking an enemy’s escape. As for reaper in 5v5, that gave him more room to work with I think.

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I was thinking more in terms of pure mitigation as well as stuns. Using blossom against a Rein/Dva comp for example was pretty much impossible. If they didn’t just fully mitigate your ult, they at least did so long enough for you to get stunned…

Funnily enough, shadow step is a part of his kit I like using most. It could use tweaks sure.

Maybe for an extra ability, a short range dash? Sort of like Hanzo lunge that is useable during blossom? That would give him a bit more capability in closing distance and simultaneously add some skill and dodge/engage nuance to blossom.