Seriously. How?

How is your matchmaker so broken lol. I mean its actually funny its so bad. Holy (word) If it was a joke then very good work lol. I laugh literally every time I play the game. I honestly wouldn’t even say anything. But its so bad lol. The handicapping of old accounts is the funniest though.

As a player that actually spent significant time in higher ranked games. Its hilarious to see the skill discrepancy from one game the the next with my teams where ive started to apologize in advance. to my teams because they’re 100% outmatched without the spawn doors opening. The sad part is more often than not they’re like WTF you were right.

again thank you for ruining my oldest account and essentially hard locking it against plat/diamond but unable to rank out of silver due to the handicaps. Glad to know I have to throw away hundreds or hours and all my skins and what not if I want to play balanced games, much appreciated…

cause apparently the alternative is to keep it at a low rank so all the new players can see my hundreds of unlocks and possibly spend money. Who needs balance when there’s $1 to be made am I right.


Ok I agree that the ranks are insanely over-inflated at the moment, I have masters games with “Masters players” who were gold or plat the pervious season and are clearly still gold or plat but have been inflated to masters with the weird rank system.

But you can’t claim that you played at high ranks previously, I am assuming diamond at least, and then not be able to dominate silver lobbies?! Players in silver have no coordination and half the mechanical skill of someone in diamond. The only way you are stuck in silver is because you are either not playing enough games and getting fed up after a few losses, and there are most definitely games you will lose, or you need to just get better man.

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No I have multiple accounts. This one specifically seems to have something that just, I don’t even know. A curse maybe? These games should be easy, but they are not! Im typically one of only 2 players that isnt brand new, if im lucky. Put against at least mechanically plat/diamond range players.

My teams get absolutely shredded by being out of position almost immediately then trickle in. Its essentially a no win situation half the time cause its essentially a 1 V 5 because the the positioning of teammates. They’re either dead or not in an effective place. healers front lining, DPS not at good angles, camping point or payload. Its a TDM lol. Sometimes you just cant do a damn thing. Even when it is a messy low rank game. Specifically because its a messy low rank game, they’re unbelievably random. Just stuff popping off left and right 1 v 1s everywhere its just confusing lol. The ultimate dominos, non flankers flanking, refusals to swap when countered. its just wonderfully stupid

The Matchmaker is the worst of all time, and the reason is because they thought they could rig it up in a million different ways.

Aged account? Hard mode.
Won too much? Screw you, here’s the horrid teammates.
Duo who won two games in Plat? You must be Grandmasters, play against multiple GMs.

Everything is SO rigged and fake, and ironically… the harder they try to FORCE even matches, the worse it gets.

Totally random matches based on RANK would be better. Sure, some people might game it. Who cares, honestly. Better than a system so hell bent on screwing you over that it sucks the fun right out of it.

They ruined their own game with the matchmaker they thought was so advanced.


The devs aren’t even trying. Maybe they would if the suits would stop bossing people around. Every single higher-up at blizz deserves nothing. They’re just thieves.

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Ranked another one. Plat 3 yet this one absolutely hard stuck. I can play out of my mind and it will always be bronze/silver. I simply can’t beat the handicapping. I can easily win bronze and silver games but not on this specific account lol.

It’s aged accounts. The older it is the harder the handicapping. I played with lower rank friends on it let my brother play. It has a ton of hours. But I’ve never actually tried to rank it up. So it’s essentially MMR locked for lack of a better term. I’ll never be able to move it at this point.

game is hemorrhaging players, lotta veterans are leaving or going QP.
lotta new players goin str8 to COMP.
COMP is dead.

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In diamond near the end of the match, our Genji had only 3 elims so a player calls him out. He apologizes saying “sry I’m new” and another person on the team also apologizes, sayind “sry my friend is new to the game”. In a diamond match.

It’s always a crapshoot when you see a player with a new player icon, default skin, endorse 1, no title, no banner, etc. It’s either a new player boosted or a GM smurf and neither belong in middle ranks.