Serious hit detection issues


Games that go crossplay always have hit registration issues after the fact. Somehow the servers are trying to compensate for EVERYTHING under the sun and it is no fun to be taking shots at moving PHANTOMS and nothing happens to em!

As well as I am getting hit from BEHIND structures, barriers and walls. I use to never have this issue until they did that to the game.

Right now, if that is happening, i just right click the player’s name and report them for cheating. I mean until Blizzard addresses this issue head-on. The problem grows WORSE.


Thats the thing though, sadly it has gotten worse, I honestly believe if they stop releasing events for one week and focus on improving the quality of the game from servers to even performance this game will be awesome, but until then these devs won’t do anything

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I am seeing a definite increase in junkrat mines that do no damage. Seems the faster you press the detonator, the more likely it is to be a dud.

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