Seperate SR is quite the joke

The thing is they can try to better place the players but that doesn’t make up for the fundamental flaw of this system. That being that you can basically smurf on a different class. A GM Dps player on Roadhog in Diamond is still a GM player with game knowledge strategies hero knowledge who can shotcall etc. and is mechanically better than most people at that Elo.


I’m a bit shocked my tank got placed that high. :sweat_smile:

There is no need to complain this just shows perfectly why comp was so unbalanced for years.
Just imagine XQC placing 4.1k as dps lol, this Systems needs and Blizzard knows that now.


It will settle- eventually people will be where they belong. I placed 800 SR lower on my DPS than my support, which is just grand. I don’t want to get rolled if I decided I want to DPS a little.

Maybe there just need to be more placement matches. Everybody hates them, but 10 wasn’t enough. 5 certainly isn’t.

If people are just placing for comp points then let them really earn those rewards:) Then post about how they are uninstalling the game.

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They can test this any time they want because they have all the date. They simple calculate based on stats from any date they want forward and review the results.

Isnt this part of the reason for the beta? So people’s rank will stabilize and blizzard can tune up their algorithm?

Yeh and I’m giving feedback for it…

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I’m not sure what’s up with SR. My tank placed near diamond and all I do is troll on hammy. My best role, support, placed somewhere near silver. And DPS, my worst role placed almost plat?

Tf is this

You have very little control over your support rank when you are queued with ppl who’s main role isn’t dps or tank on the other roles.

At least that’s the experience I had with queuing as support.


Did you do placements within the past day? Maybe they did an update because I haven’t seen swing like this before.

Right? People are complaining about the inconsistent that is happening with a soft reset, a full reset would be 100 times worse.

Yep. Right now even those “bad” players are still within the margin of your rank, yeah they might suck at that role, but they’re still a player of the same rank, so the system has to adjust that a bit and for that the player needs to simply play more. With a hard reset you’d have bronze in gm and gm in bronze and diamonds and plats and golds silver master everything at random in any match, and that for months. Can’t believe there are people this brainless to think a hard reset > this right now lol.

Yeah, the games are unpleasant right now, but it’s also a beta, nothing really matters right now, so people just play like they want. With Sigma out there the meta is also shaken, people still don’t know how to play, in 2-2-2 some heroes are bad or not as strong or simply “too” strong, it all feels weird, but that was to be expected.

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Atm just don’t queue as Healer. Chances of you getting a balanced match where you can do your job as healer are close to 0.

this times a million is btw. what happens if you reset mmr, just as a side note

on topic: all this will be fixed by time and people playing more

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There is a reason it’s called Role Queue BETA

In the long run it will be better… need time for the system to sort.

Its also proving why 222 was needed.

Like weeks… or like years… ? cause we all know how long it can take Blizz…

Except the whole point of role sr in the long term is to get rid of this problem. If you are a DPS main who wants to play around as tank, you can go into a lower sr match.

This takes some time to implement though, gotta give Blizz a break.

The data is flawed. They should know this.