Seoul played Genji, was useless most of the match

Neither of them does anything against nanoblade… they’re not the issue. Brig dumpsters Genji without nano, but that’s not a big issue in OWL.

The issue is that Genji is a trash-tier dps hero. They really need to buff him.

When you go make a thread about them


Not to mention Brigitte wasn’t even being played in the match.

He is a pub stomper. If you buff him he will stomp even more in low ranks. This isn’t a fairy tale we can’t simply buff whatever and expect everything to be right. Mccree is the living proof of this.


This is the most obvious thing but Tracer doesn’t need nerfs as her skill floor and ceiling are imense and nerfing cree or any other strong dps would not make Genji more playable because you’d still have broken supports like Bap.

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Put Tracers falloff back down to 10m would be a fine nerf. It should have never been buffed to start with.

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That will drop her from S tier to S tier. She was already S tier before those buffs and will remain S tier if you revert back to what it was. You can nerf cree, nerf Tracer, nerf bap and they will just get replaced by other strongest characters in their respective roles and Genji will remain trash.


That’s not a reason to punish Genji players for getting good and climbing with him. Zarya, Tracer, and McCree all stomp in low-ranks, but you can climb with them; they encourage you to get better with them and hit their skill ceiling.

Genji doesn’t. He has a high skill ceiling, but no encouragement to reach it because he drops off mid-plat at the earliest.

If they keep his weaknesses intact and reinforce his strengths where he’s lacking, he won’t be unbalanced or overpowered. McCree’s problem is that they buffed his strengths and made his weaknesses irrelevant.

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Do you have the same sympathy for Bastion?

This is on topic because the thread topic is viability in OWL and the same standard (viability in OWL) indicates other heroes in much more dire need.

Genji is used over 10x as much as Bastion and do you care about whether the buffs you feel genji would be entitled to would affect heroes who are suffering worse?

I know what you’re going to say “Bastion is INHERENTLY impossible to balance so we must give up on that hero and not Genji”

Why give up on Bastion and not Genji?

Don’t give me excuses like “Bastion is the only stationary hero” Genji is the only hero that directly reflects damage!

All I’m asking is when you’re considering buffs don’t select buffs that screw heroes who are in the same deep water as Genji but way further from the surface. Don’t pull yourself up then pull up the ladder behind you.


Shut up, you seem like that one junkrat OTP

I want all heroes to be viable, but Bastion needs a rework - not number tweaks.

Genji will be fine with 29 damage shurikens and buff fixes. He’s been hovering around B-D tier for the majority of the last 2 years, and was S-tier for a month last June. It’s pretty obvious that he can be properly balanced, because he was at least viable for most of Overwatch’s existence.

I don’t even know how to begin buffing Bastion, because he has so many glaring weaknesses that it’s near impossible to overcome with simple number tweaks. Also, he’s a hero that does his niche (massive amounts of dps) better than any other hero in the game… the problem is: his niche is absolute garbage.

The devs need to re-think Bastion’s role in Overwatch and figure out why you’d choose Bastion over the other 16 dps heroes. They can’t just put duct tape over his issues, because in his current state, there isn’t a single scenario where I would choose Bastion over any other dps. (Other than surprising the enemy with a Bastion cheese strat).


Genji is also like bottom 5 in owl which isn’t a good place to be

why does it feel like this argument is only made on genji threads? there are a lot of sym/moira/orisa threads, so why cant there also be threads for genji?

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I dont know why youre basing balance philosophy on OWL when they run heroes that are also widely considered trash in their games.

Not to mention that most of these comps for each season are rehearsed and practiced - hence going off-meta is rare and usually ill-advised

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I just don’t understand why tracers fall off hasn’t been fully reverted to 10m?

There have been SO many nerfs and changes to other characters that’s made her job significantly easier. It’s been ageeeeessss since they first changed it (I know they rescaled it again but it still wasn’t a significant nerf in the grand scheme of things).

  • Tank damage mitigation in general is the lowest it’s ever been making it way easier for to farm pulse bombs whilst engaging outside of most of their optimal range.
  • Support counters (Moira and brig) that were well known for giving flankers a hard time have had both their survivability and dps significantly reduced, making them way less reliable for dealing with her.
  • Healing creep has been addressed across the board making it easier for her to secure kills.

The fall off buff made sense during goats but it should have been fully reverted yonks ago. Out of most of the characters in the game, smurf tracers are the most terrifying to run into because you can barely do anything to them. People constantly throw out the ‘git gud and learn to aim’ argument - but by that logic she’d be nigh unusable at high rank where they hit shots more often than not.

As for genji, christ I just wish they’d buff his m1 to make it usable. Increase the projectile speed significantly, I don’t care. Genji doesn’t necessarily need damage buffs. His damage potential just needs to be more RELIABLE. What’s the point in increasing damage if you’re still only hitting 1-2/ 3 shurikens on average anyway?


They haven’t tried tweaking the numbers.

Have you even tried figuring out how number tweaks change the hero’s viability?

I have and number tweaks make all the difference, Bastion’s only problem is neglect.

That’s a round about way of saying “Genji is picked 11x more than Bastion in OWL”

Does OWL pickrate matter or not?

And the logic of “low OWL pickrate = must be reworked” would be obviously insincere. Roadhog has a lower pickrate than Bastion in OWL, he doesn’t need a rework either.


Well, OWL is using a ton of Winston/Zarya/McCree/Brig comps right now. Not exactly a fun time for Genji.


You’re trying to make him look like he’s in an okay spot by comparing him to the worst hero in the game when in reality he’s also rarely picked.

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I have the same sympathy for Bastion, but this is not a Bastion thread, this is a discussion about Genji’s viability and how he’s been played in OWL.

As stated before me, Bastion needs a rework, Genji just needs some number tweaks.

Why can there not be Genji discussions that don’t get derailed?

Blizzard primarily balances around high-rank with OWL in mind, and these people have put thousands of hours into heroes to master them. Players like Profit, Sparkles and Agilities having no impact on Genji isn’t a very good sign, seeing as they’re all known for their Genji play.

Excelsior wasn’t running that comp, though, they were just running Mei/McCree versus a double-pocketed, triple-enabled Genji.

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McCree/Mei is pretty terrible to play Genji into regardless of the rest of the team comp. That’s tons of peel for their backline.

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