Seoul Dynasty vs. Dallas Fuel - FINAL

Thanks for the heads up

Ok wow that round wasn’t even close to being close.

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oh boy, here comes Jehong’s Ana again

This time Dallas didn’t even try before switching to goats.

What emote is it? For who?

its a Twitch emote, so just the special image in chat.

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aKm is hard carrying here

Ah. Okay… slightly less coolio then.

lol nobody cares about watching goats for the 10th time today

Jehong hard choked on that antinade

As a Sombra player, I can vouch that dying with EMP is a sad day

It’s a general use emote…it’s a big “GG” emote…

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Wow damn Dallas actually did it.

Surprisingly, Dynasty nor Fuel are running GOATs really. They’re opting to use additional DPS heroes.

They just went goats -_-

Sombra is part of GOATs?..

40 hacks, 25 EMP hacks, that is actually great from aKm. Just keep him off Genji :stuck_out_tongue:

It is now…everybody basically runs the same meta now. Every game is almost the same and it’s just pretty stupid to watch. But hey, keep them twitch bots watching for those sponsors right bahahaha

If Mickie could just learn a couple of DPS heroes, he could replace Zach so easily

You can’t call it Goats if you have a Sombra… I would call it Hack and Whack.