Seoul Dynasty vs. Chengdu Hunters - NOW LIVE

Precising german engineering from Yveltal, no doubt abou it.

Happy that they formally acknowledged goats but the lack of history is troubling

Hunters soooooo forward. Very distinctive play.

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I expected a switch to GOATS for streets phase…

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Hunters are getting creamed…

Hollywood is kind of a GOATS favored map, but Horizon might be better for the Hunters Ham play.

attack symmetra, defense torb and bastion? ok

TP was bait right?

That is the most disgusting C9 I ever seen.


These guys are chronic C9ers holy crap.

I never thought i’d see torb sym and bastion all played in the same map

Man it was working so well for hunters, they C9 then snowball, but the comp was sort of working? I think?

Night you crazy kids, have fun.

All i know is… they have nothing on the Dynasty’s color scheme.

The tweet had cursing. Deleted it. Naughty Avast lol.

I want Dynasty to lose every match because of Fissure the Traitor.

Email him pretending to be NYXL. Say you’re going to buy him for the next stage and then he’ll bench himself.

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The hunters are sloppy.

Dynasty have this. easy.

Next map is Rialto. Heavy GOATS map, I don’t expect Ham to work there, but we just saw Torb and Bastion defending against Sym succesfully and then C9 to baby Dva, so who the fork knows?.

Did they switch to Ana and Mercy just to keep Ameng alive during his suicidal slams?

Now there was a genji on Hunter’s side as well.

This match just came from the rabbit hole with Alice didn’t it?