Sensitivity rounding bug

So if you go to your panel, and your sensitivity isn’t a whole number, it will mess it up on load, and you will have to put it back.

That’s it. Be safe out there.


Good catch. I rock a 4.5 and sometimes aim feels off from time to time. Hope this gets patched.

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Noticed it almost instantly when my aim felt off.

Explain how a game that only needed some content layer updates gets a bunch of new bugs? They should be converged on a polished product by now.

Not this cannister of dung that breaks the shooting part of the shooter.

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You rush out PvP and this is what you get.

No, I mean yesterday there was no in-game sens bug, and today there is.

Shouldn’t the only real “I need to get into the code” stuff be to change map pool, insert some skins, and modify some balance params? And shouldn’t that code be completely isolated from engine/ui stuff like THE AIMING PART OF THE SHOOTER

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Except the bug is EITHER a UI change where it is now loading the whole number part for the UI component. OR it is a protocol problem where the server is only sending the whole number part to the options page.

It isn’t monkeying with the aim code. It is the options screen with the sensitivity which is the issue.

And YES the options screen where you can set the sensitivity SHOULD be able to change sensitivity…

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Yes, and why would they be making UI and protocol changes that would affect, in such a way as to bug-out and not be fixed and tested prior, be a consideration for a live-service product that is well into it’s 5th month of release?

Pardon my non-existent AAA multi-billion dollar software development XP, but shouldn’t the game be converging into solid, polished code that isn’t breaking at every turn?

Yes and it’s not working. There is a mismatch between in-game aim, what is stated on the UI, and what is felt.

Yep, it should, in the long run. But this isn’t the long run.

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The rounding error also affects the relative aim sensitivity while zoomed settings of Ana, Ashe and Widowmaker.
To play these heroes with familiar settings every time you change to them you now have to go to the options and adjust the settings.
The workaround is not enough. Please fix this asap.


Probably they are gonna fix this in mid season patch. Like, in 1 month… -.-