Self destruct/respawn button NEEDS to be added to lessen the exponential ULT handicap

If 100 people read this post I reckon maybe 1 or 2 has ever jumped off a cliff to kill themselves. About as many as have ran up to die on the payload.


The fact killing yourself in a game is the optimal strategy is already pretty stupid and counter intuitive enough already. The enemy defeated your team and caught you out of position and is being rewarded for their victory. Maybe they could add something like a delayed recall to spawn but not a self destruct button.

The only way to balance that would be to make it so you have to go without being shot for, say, 5 seconds. Otherwise, everyone would just reset the moment anyone on their team dies. This would drastically favor the attacking team as it cuts a significant portion of time out of failed pushes.


People would start to kill themselfs just for fun, not a good idea man :slight_smile:


Yep, it’s a terrible idea to have an instant self destruct button.

In addition to what you said, this will also rob the winning team of the ultimate charge they currently get on a cleanup after winning a fight by getting an early pick or two.


you shouldn’t get bonuses for winning. winning is it’s own reward.

it’s like getting a stoke taken off in golf if you’re first place after nine holes.

the SR system will take of this, How matchmaker should work (imho) here’s how I think matchmaker should work, so obviously I’m okay with people having an easier time to derank, the time it currently takes to derank is nominal, so just let them derank by clicking a button.

I know I would! Just for the heck of it!


I’m in an elo where most people don’t think about staggering enemies. In the rare instances they try, I just run into them and focus their most vulnerable support. That usually expedites my death. Ult charge off my death can’t be helped in this case, but if I’m lucky I’ll kill their support and also get charge.

There is a button for that. It’s called walking into the enemy team.


not good enough, ever heard of a touchback?

Nope, never heard of it


the optimal move should always be at one’s disposal

They should add a portal back to spawn near each point that only works one way …just for you.

However, then you would have to memorize where the portal is on each map and we would be back to square one with the requests.


The optimal move would be a button that can kill every enemy at once, doesn’t mean it should always be at your disposal.

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yeah good point, should still have a self destruct button imho

Sometimes the optimal move is walking into the enemy team. :slightly_smiling_face:

and you’re okay with that, good to know

If you’re not okay with that, you should check out David Sirlin’s free book “Playing to Win” - he’s an esports professional, I suggest starting with the “Introducing the Scrub” section: _

I already read that book.

I doubt that - unless you read it and immediately forgot or disregarded everything in it.