Second Post: Character progression - is the quality delightful, tasteless, or unpleasant?

What are your opinions on about the development of the cast of characters overall and underneath these creations? Has the cast of the video game - in a vague significance - grown overtime, or do you think the players, us , are going to be stuck in another volcanic winter till Overwatch’s writers come out of their temple to de-agonize our kindling essence of imagination and provide more evolution to this world, given time? Has the quality remain pleasing, appreciative,average, sub-average, chaotic to read, or has the growth made you grown restless and frustrated under the guidance of Overwatch’s writing crew? Say what you want to offer in this discussion, plus i ain’t abiding any person at all to write an essay - so if you bottled up a prepared easygoing, crackling, or contemptuous remark and longed for to fulfill that grand gesture you seek to shape into reality, I am not likely to depose it.

There are four main groups of character development for me. The Good, the forgettable, the sloppy and the Zen categories.
Good - Hanzo, Genji, Ana, Torb, Reinhardt, Tracer, Winston,
Forgettable - Bastion, Brigitte, Baptiste, Dva, Doomfist, Lucio, McCree, Mei, Mercy, Arisa, Sombra, Symmetra, Widowmaker, Zarya
Sloppy - Ashe, Junkrat, Roadhog, Moira, Soldier 76, Reaper, Pharah, Sigma, Hammond
Zen - Zenyatta

I’ll just say the heroes I care about the most are not priorities in the story so far :pensive:


Kind of hard to gauge these when we haven’t gotten the progression yet.

Overwatch 1 was establishing the characters.

Overwatch 2 will be developing them.


Overwatch and Overwatch 2’s story progress are developed like that:

Old heroes 100%
Adult heroes 50%
Youngs 0%

Overwatch 2
Old heroes 0%
Adult heroes 50%
Youngs 100%