Second DPS far behind

How does this happen?
I see this far too frequently where one DPS as has half the kills of the other DPS and tank, and obviously low in damage, sometimes with more deaths.

I see this in like a third of my games and there is nothing you can really do about it

You also have to keep in mind that some DPS heroes are not meant to deal high damage.
If you have a Bastion and a Mei in your team, then Mei will most likely rack up about 5-6k damage per 10 minutes and not more.

Heroes like Mei and Sombra and Genji or even Reaper will inherently be on the lower damage output side.

But hey, if they have been playing Sojourn the whole game and they are about 2x the damage output of a Cassidy, then your point is valid. I have those games myself and often wonder what’s up

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Oh I already keep it in mind. I meant when they should be on equal footing.

If a Hanzo struggles to come even close to a Venture and tank regarding in damage and kills, than something is off.

It must be a massive matchmaker issue. Even on my bad days, I don’t fall far behind.

Sometimes sacrificing a pawn opens the board for the rest of your chess pieces, and sometimes your opponent is just eager to take out your Queen.

Metaphors aside, consider that sometimes a bad player can still help their team win by being a good enough distraction. And also keep in mind that even a top player can start to look bad if they get ganged on.

I was busy dying. It’s tough, but honest work. Not everyone can do it as easily as I do.