"season ends in less than a minute"

is that supposed to mean anything special?

Season 18 was bugged with MMR Reset. Meaning Grandmasters and Master players were in games with people who were Bronze/Silver/Platinum/Diamond. It was pretty bad and people were getting destroyed by Top 500s/Grandmaster/Masters basically. It was like Pros vs Casuals.

Not only that, but Top 500s, GM, Masters were getting placed in gold or silver.

OWL members got Gold.

Redshell got Silver.

It was funny. If I played with me being a High Master main, I would have got placed in Platinum since other masters got platinum. It weird how most Tops 500s/GMs got Gold.

Long story short, Season 18 was a mess and not ready yet. So they extended Role Queue Beta by 1 week until Season 18 is fixed. That why you see the one minute thing.


they said “early next week” its past 00:00 and its already “next week” i don’t think they extended it for 7days i hope it will be up in 1-2 days or tomorrow cuz i cant wait anymore lol

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Why did anyone think that was a good idea?

Better algorithms to determine MMR, but to completely throw out the past 3 years is just, frankly, brainless.


Isn’t that something the vociferous forumers were dreaming of happening? Along with removing any indications of advanced level or endorsements for…reasons?

They’re too lazy to change it I guess. :unamused:

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The point is the comp ranking system is a joke. You lose rank due to throwers/selfish players, occasionally get a god Widow on your team… your personal rank is meaningless since it’s determined by whether or not you get 5 idiots on your team.

But resetting it is just a terrible idea. If you played for any length of time at all, the system should have a good idea of where you belong, and you are there for a reason. Erasing that just throws the entire playerbase into chaos and makes for months of hell as the system has to sort everyone out again.

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It was not a MMR reset.

Stop spreading misinformation. It just adds to the confusion.

It wasn’t a MMR reset.

It was a bug that prevented that information from being utilised in the role queue format for the new Competitive season.

The MMR data was not reset. It still exists and will be utilised once they fix the bug.

Longest minute in history.

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HURRY UP Or you’ll miss it!!!

How does this go live then? Are they just randomly compiling code and pushing it out without testing it?

These kinds of critical mistakes should never be made.

Just because something works perfectly on an internal test server, a public test server, and a live beta does not mean it will always work perfectly when pushed live. That’s the way of software development.

Nobody’s perfect. Mistakes happen. What really matters is how quickly they respond to the issue and how long it takes to resolve.

In this case Blizzard responded extremely quickly and it seems it will be resolved quite soon.

Semantics aside, it did “ACT” as an MMR reset. This obviously wasn’t their intention though. Don’t shoot the guy for attempting to be helpful.

no that’s not the way of software development, thats the way of poor software development. they most likely didnt invest and dedicate as much as they used to do…