Season 9 Crashing on Nintendo Switch

I just played a match and had the same problem everything was going well and then boom game crashed. This has been going on since yesterday now I don’t wanna play in fear of getting suspended. I hope they fix this soon.


Switch player here and it keeps crashing on me as well.


I’ve had this issue for the entire day now. I’ve lost an entire endorsement rank and have been suspended because of it! Please fix this Blizzard and compensate me!!!


Hope it gets fixed soon because it is really aggravating, and I can’t even play without it suspending me every time.


I’m so tired of being penalized for software crashes. They need to figure out a way to differentiate between people leaving bc of a crash vs willful dropping


I’ve been having this problem aswell, it got to the point that I’m suspended from both unranked and ranked


Yep same here. Can’t even progress in the premium battle pass because of this. It’s so frustrating, I hope it gets fixed here soon or else buying the battle pass was a waste this season :confused:

I was also super hyped for this season because I’m a sucker for the theme.


Banned for 4 hours over the game consistently crashing on me. Wtfff blizzard :frowning:


same i keep crashing over n over did a full redowload and a currupt data chech and stiill keep getting kicked and its very fustrating getting banned when trying to play with freinds hope they fix this issue soon

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Having this issue all night BUT!!! I may have an update! I’ve made it through 4 games no error or ejection. We’ll see how long this lasts.

My steps:
Checking for corrupted data
Redownloading game
Checking for corrupted data
Checking for any console/software updates
Restarting console

Hopefully this lasts and is what did the trick and hopefully helps someone else out too


I get through a few games and then it crashes. It’s super annoying, you check for corrupt data, and it says nothing. You KNOW they are going to penalize us for this.

Yeah same, i played three comp game in which all off them I crashed in. The frustrating thing about it your score reset e.g damage, kill, heal ect. Idk if the score contributes to your rank placement but if it does then this crashing issue is 100x more annoying. I hope blizzards find a solution


They banned me when it’s not even my fault

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I’m banned 4 hours today and a few hours yesterday because of the error that keeps kicking me out! Not my fault…NEEDS TO BE FIXED

I did this too and it did work for a few games but then crashed again.

It’s unfortunate, but a simple solution. Don’t play until they confirm a fix and update. It’s rare for updates to come out in any industry 100% operational. It dam near impossible to account for all scenarios and QA all aspects. I’m sure they will have it patched soon enough.


You think they could have tested it even a little to see if this would happen before release though? Seems like a bug like this would have been pretty obvious. I totally could be wrong, as I am not a programmer though.


Mine is also doing this but I think they know of the problem now, PLEASE FIX THIS ITS SO SAD :pensive::broken_heart:

I usually play games without switching characters and I still crash

Yeah it seems like it was a fluke/my luck has run out as I’ve crashed in my most recent one :disappointed: maybe it will work for others, I really thought it had since I hadn’t made it through a single match without crashing but suddenly made it through like 4 of them after doing that - sorry for the false hope, really hope they sort it soon