Season 36 Open Queue top 500

I played open queue last season and was on the top 500 leaderboard after playing my 50 games. However looking in Overwatch 2, I was not on the leaderboard and the leaderboard isn’t even full even though it was before season 36 ended. Is there a reason why this happened?


For some reason, they locked the season 36 leaderboard at masters. I believe this to be because this is how it will be in OW2. However, this OW2 change should not have effected the season 36 leaderboard so BLIZZARD PLEASE FIX IT. I WANT MINE TOO.


Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards

Yep, that’s a bump. Another one.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve created a more centralized place to keep our evidence of our missing Top 500 placement and rewards for Season 36. Under my megathread is a new category titled: Season 36 Top 500 Evidence. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Please post whatever evidence you have to a filesharing website such as Imgur, Youtube, Reddit, etc. and then reply with a shortened URL and your BattleTag to those posts so I can add them to the megathread as well.

Bumping up this post.

Bumping up this thread again.