Season 12 comp system awful

I have never had more losses than I have since this season started. In season 10 I finally made my way to Diamond support. And managed to stay in season 11. Since the rank reset, I was placed plat 2 and I have deranked all the way to gold 2 now. My matches have been extremely one sided. I’m no longer having fun. And it’s actually quite upsetting to have climbed and have balanced matches last season to whatever trash system was created for season 12. I am considering uninstalling completely.


It’s just a game. The lower you derank the easier it gets :slightly_smiling_face:


I think i played some games with you at plat 2. You were tank right?

The ranked system hasn’t changed. Maybe you weren’t the skill level you though you were .

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From one fruit to another. If you’re not having fun, walk away.

The most fun I’ve had in OW is when I stop caring about this silly little rank icon that means very little. It doesn’t necessarily indicate someone’s skill level, so many people are placed either too high or too low, smurfs, boosted players. If you can let go of caring about rank and try and enjoy each game for what it is, you may still enjoy the game, but keep in mind the first and last couple of weeks of a season are rough for everyone.

This season seems to be Zarya Dva or lose. Usually Dva or lose then other team switches to Zarya.

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wrong lol. that matchmaking is beyond terrible now, impossible to rank up and very easy to plummet rank then continue to be unable to rise back up

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Not to be raisinist, but…youre not a real fruit.

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That’s a you problem.

Well Google is telling me otherwise. :confused:

This is because your mmr is higher than your visual rank. It’s a match maker issue. If your mmr is diamond 1, but youre in a plat 1-3 lobby, you’re going to get the low mmr plat 3 teammates with plat 3 or lower mmr, and the whole enemy team will have the plat 1 players with plat 1 mmr. The visual ranks aren’t going to show your real skill rating, but at diamond 1 you will be the highest skill player in the lobby and expected to do game changing carry potential. And this will cause a long chain of losses, like massive loss streaks all season until you derank to gold where you can actually carry games. Then you’ll kind of hover at gold, losing mmr slowly but winning half your games until the mmr and rank align, and then by the second half of the season probably shoot back up to diamond as your rank matches your mmr finally. Rank resets are miserable. The game needs to reset mmr too, but the higher rank players will lose their mind, esp the support players with the least carry potential. They would lose their gm rank possibly permanently or for multiple seasons. The devs know it. The rank you see on your screen isn’t the real one, and unfortunately the difference between a plat and diamond support player is so small, there’s almost no way you’d be carrying games


People were complaining about matchmaking during the season you were climbing. Were they wrong then and you’re right now?

The game changes. I know it’s artificial nonsense from Blizzard to pretend they have “content” but you gotta adapt to it. It’s not the matchmaking, it’s just that you have to keep playing different

Not really coz apparently everyone is de-ranking. So, you may very well end up with players who de-ranked with you… and if you are unlucky (which most of us are on OW; coz MM) you will be paired with true low elo players while your enemy team will be full of de-ranked players.

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But you believe forced 50/50 is a thing.

How can “everyone” be deranking. Or anyone for that matter. If the game is forcing 50% win rates.

Unless that isn’t actually a thing…

sigh… i wrote “close to 50/50”. If your win% is lower thank your loss% (be it 49/50), you will derank.

And again, quit stalking and harassing me. I don’t wish to indulge myself with you who is rude, ignorant and arrogant.

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To quote you directly.

If it’s being manipulated, it would need to manipulate everyone. Thus meaning no one can derank or climb.

… you are proving my point… please read my messages again.

Also, buzz off! I don’t wish to speak with you coz you rude and make personal attacks. GOODBYE!

What personal attack?

In the last hour you’ve tried, and failed, to insult me multiple times.

Either way. Forced 50/50 isn’t a thing, and not everyone is trying to derank accounts.

Yeah it’s weird, most people moaning about the game seem to be incredibly ‘unlucky’.

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This is why using both MMR and SR for comp never made sense to me. I get it for placement matches, and it makes sense to use mmr for qp, but after you get your assigned rank it just doesn’t make sense to me to use a completely different number to dictate the lobby’s matchmaking. If my SR doesnt match my MMR, then I feel like that just skews the matchmaking and and it seems a bit counter intuitive. If I am really not at the rank I should be at (whether that rank is too high or too low in reference to MMR), then one would simply just win games or lose games till they are where they are supposed to be. Instead, the system seems to put all the low mmr with the high MMR folks in an attempt to “balance” the lobby, which can lead to a rather large skill disparity on a team. What this means is that on the extreme ends of this MMR gap, the low MMR is more likely to have easier matches and get unintentionally boosted, and the higher MMR person will always have games that are needlessly more difficult matches and will struggle to rank up since they will more than likely have more of a skill disparity to constantly have to make up for on the team.

If the competitive matchmaker only worried about SR, sure the game would be an absolute clown fiesta for a few weeks (but nothing new there since it is already an absolute clown fiesta), but then people would start to gravitate more towards the rank they should actually be due to what can best be described as natural selection. If the player is indeed a Masters player in an actual all plat lobby, then they should surely be able to climb. And that boosted gold player in the Diamond lobby would no longer have a Masters MMR player to make up for their mistakes and they would most likely drop back down.

But hey, what do I know? Surely my tank that keeps trying to 1v5 the enemy team and dying on cooldown and giga-staggering and not playing with the team obviously knows more than I do (sarcasm). The same goes for all the supports who keep getting caught out due to their terrible positioning, maybe if I was their rank I would know that standing out in the open and getting picked off constantly is a much more optimal strategy than playing near cover (sarcasm part 2). And how could I forget about the dps that have poor engage timings on their flanks and inevitably 1v5 the enemy and blow up, only to highly telegraph their ultimate and get punished for it and have a negative K-D for the entire match (sarcasm part 3). Surely if I were their SR I would know that not coordinating with the team and constantly trying to pull off easily punishable and telegraphed “hero plays” was the only viable solution ever (sarcasm part 4). And how can I forget the most important part of any of these: flaming your teammates and being a whiny pissbaby in comms instead of trying to work with the team or make any adjustments whatsoever! Surely if I mirrored their exact attitude, playstyle, and comms style I surely would rank up in a jiffy! I definitely would not require my teammates to carry because I would then obviously BE the carry! (sarcasm finale)

I guess I kinda got derailed there at the end, but I have a lot of pent up frustration on this topic thanks to a never ending stream of teammates that really don’t feel like they are the rank they should be :slight_smile:

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