✊🏿 Seagull/OWL shows DF was OVERNERFED

It used to, and if it’s overtuned, it will. Like I said, I’m open to the possibility that it doesn’t currently do enough damage, but it should probably always be a little tricky to confirm a kill with it (without help from your team).

OW Team is always harsh. They never micro nerf slowly each patch, they hammer down the hero they want to Nerf. And only after months of complaints and data they Macro Buff the hero or reinvent the hero… Nani?

Pharah’s ult can do a crazy amount of damage…unfortunately she’s also completely immobile and nearly always dies trying to use it. Junkrat’s ult can do some huge damage, but the tire can be destroyed and he himself is completely helpless while driving it.

Doom gets to instantly warp out of the map and literally choose any spot to land - the risk is not the same when the ult also provides safety and mobility during use. I’m sure it’s still a fine combo with grav or blizzard or whatever, but there’s no way you should be able to just nuke a team from full health by yourself.

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That dude cant take the consequences of his own actions. Sadly many people cant do that. Would be better if he stops talking at all and Blizzard focuses on making great games again.

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His Ult just needs to be reworked into something with more counterplay and better offensively no way around it Because if you up the damage or decease the landing time its just a death sentence to Ana and Zen and in its current state its just press q to run away.

I dont believe the devs dont know this and it is just pure utter laziness that they nerfed it and called it a day.

Which—again, I think it should absolutely have innate kill potential, especially in concert with other abilities from Doom’s team—I don’t think having an element of “run away and live” to it automatically means it’s bad. I think there’s some really interesting strategy in zoning with Meteor Strike. It can’t clear a whole point like D.Va or McCree’s ults can, but if you use it to herd people into a room/corner/a wall/your team, or to isolate people, etc? Seems to me that there’s a lot of follow-up kill potential there.

… you’re kidding, right? is that why he made his massive video after already leaving OWL and blizzard made the doomfist and brigitte changes almost because of his video?

Doomfist could use the seismic slam distance reverted. The CC reductions were all very good changes, and I think I’m fine with the ultimate not being a reliable kill anymore. Not sure about reducing the charge to pulse bomb levels (it’s not THAT weak) since it’s a free escape and shields in addition to the damage, but perhaps it could be slightly cheaper.

the CC on slam should be increased so that people don’t literally hop away from you when you use it. OR, it should do a LOT more damage.

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Discord has no cooldown and is one of the most powerful abilities in the game. In addition, it gives wallhacks for up to 3 seconds and is one of the best abilities in the game for helping your team with target focus.

Let’s give him the most powerful support ult in the game. Transcendence gives 300 hp/s healing in a large radius, doubles his movement speed, has no cast time, and makes the character completely invulnerable to all forms of damage.

Strong abilities != weak ultimate.
Weak abilities != strong ultimate.

Where is this logic even coming from?

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Your comparing Doomfist…a Melee DPS Hero, to Zen? The point is that what Doomfist loses with in his ult he gains back in spades with his ridiculous stuns, knock backs, knock ups, armor gain and one-shot ability.

Discord requires coordination from my teammates to fully capitalize on. Good luck with that in 90% of Ranked. Unless I’m constantly switching to who my DPS/Tanks are attacking the value is not guaranteed. Not to mention being a glass-cannon.

However, landing a one-shot ability with a Hero is 100% on just the player itself. So, yeah, just a slight difference there.

I don’t think you realize you are literally describing how I say it works. Like almost word for word. Like yes the reason that works is because the time you play as a % of the game is factored into the winrate as you basically admitted

Nothing to do with thread (Sorry mb) but I just realized who samito is, and I actually used to know the guy because he was an admin on a minecraft server. Not a small one either, actually a fairly large one. I can’t believe that didn’t hit me until now, that’s amazing.

Oh hey, that’s my video with the Ana on Nepal :laughing:

Really solid post, thanks for compiling everything into 1 post to make it easier for people to understand the issues with Doomfist. Really hoping we can get some dev attention eventually.


finally, someone who advocates for pro-centric balancing.


“select a landing zone”

siri, what does the term “sitting duck” mean?

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Sorry, bud. I’ve just seen it as a serious comment so many times that I instinctively replied. I hope there’s no hard feelings.

The time when you had those griefer torbs on attack in your team are over…now they pick doomfist :smile:

He is fine, as a niche melee hero, you should not expect him being able to do long distances in a short space of time.

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No he’s not.

He’s not a niche hero, he’s a weak hero.

As a melee hero, you actually should expect them to have a lot of mobility. if they have no way to engage or disengage, they are worthless. How are you supposed to get into distance to do your melee focused attacks if you can’t move there? This statement is the opposite of what should be expected from a hero that is basically only a melee hero with no other utilities. I know you’re going to mention Rein and Brig, but they are different because outside of their melee attacks, they have ways to get in close enough to use them, their shields. In addition to that, they have utility in other areas. Rein can use his giant Shield to cover his entire team, allowing them to not take damage while damaging the enemy. Brig has the ability to heal and provide armor from distance as well as heal those close to her. Doomfist has no other utility besides doing damage, so if there’s no way for him to get close enough to do that damage, he is useless.